so getting my right arm half sleeved and eventually ill probably get my left arm half sleeved too with a homage to JTHM. My grandfather would be proud if he were alive haha he had both his arms fullyy sleeved, i think i got this fascination with tattoos ever since i was a little girl from him, i always wanted them. so my right arm half sleeve is a homage to *a nightmare before xmas* i took the photo using my computer camera and i did a bad job but oh well lol. jack isnt all finished, ZERO is below jack and to the left of zero are pumpkins and sally's grave and more graves and vines and pumpkins. lots more to come though! lots more pain..
i took out ALL of my piercings out for personal reasons. so yah life has been good =] hope it has been for all of you
happy birthday dear!
happy birthday!!