i'm sitting at home today and WORKING! whether i like it or not...i have to get shit done for once...first, i had to update this page while making coffee and oatmeal...but twice now i've almost burned my breakfast while reading of sophie traveling in SLC. no worries...the oatmeal was just fine....and from what i can gather...she had much fun..go check it out.
the sore throat thing that everyone keeps talking about on these pages...fiiiinally found it's way to me....and let me tell you, i'm happy about it. it's as pleasurable as running fullspeed, barefoot through a rose-garden. it's like....like hiking a mountain at 15,000 ft with a 50lbs backpack and two rocks and a chiclet in your shoe. in FACT, it is EXACTLY like staring directly at the sun in the middle of the summer while a large rodent, say, a gopher-esk type beast, chews on your ankles while a very large, very angry ex-hockey player clubs you with a ball-peen hammer. no exagerations here...no sarcasm at all...it really is enjoyable...i recommend it for all.
the workload consists of this:
- finish 5 page pager that is now a week tardy.
- research and find two studies to discuss tomorrow.
- research and begin to write rough-draft for paper worth 40% of semester grade.
- research and begin (does any of this sound familiar yet??) to write paper worth 25% of semester grade
- make more coffee
- sketch a time-line for the next 10 years of my life...work-related that is...this, undoubtedly, will be COMPLETE bullshit.
- and..as a bonus and if time permits...research and study the effects of diabetic ketoacidosis...
now....doesn't all of that sound like fun? i think i know of an ex-hockey player...there are like 20 of them in town now with the ending of the NHL season...quite positive i'd have more fun handing him a ball-peen hammer....
gophers anyone??
the sore throat thing that everyone keeps talking about on these pages...fiiiinally found it's way to me....and let me tell you, i'm happy about it. it's as pleasurable as running fullspeed, barefoot through a rose-garden. it's like....like hiking a mountain at 15,000 ft with a 50lbs backpack and two rocks and a chiclet in your shoe. in FACT, it is EXACTLY like staring directly at the sun in the middle of the summer while a large rodent, say, a gopher-esk type beast, chews on your ankles while a very large, very angry ex-hockey player clubs you with a ball-peen hammer. no exagerations here...no sarcasm at all...it really is enjoyable...i recommend it for all.
the workload consists of this:
- finish 5 page pager that is now a week tardy.
- research and find two studies to discuss tomorrow.
- research and begin to write rough-draft for paper worth 40% of semester grade.
- research and begin (does any of this sound familiar yet??) to write paper worth 25% of semester grade
- make more coffee
- sketch a time-line for the next 10 years of my life...work-related that is...this, undoubtedly, will be COMPLETE bullshit.
- and..as a bonus and if time permits...research and study the effects of diabetic ketoacidosis...
now....doesn't all of that sound like fun? i think i know of an ex-hockey player...there are like 20 of them in town now with the ending of the NHL season...quite positive i'd have more fun handing him a ball-peen hammer....
gophers anyone??

and i'm doing just fine, thank you!
have a great thursday!
isn't arlo just the cutest? i like that she's one of your favorites. she seems totally sweet and shtuff.
man. is the sun out in st. lou? because it sure is here in overland park. what a gorgeous day. if only i didn't feel this stupid cold coming on. how's yours going? getting through it?
i am trying not to worry. i am doing this spur of the moment photoshoot tomorrow and my photographer is a guy that i have never met, plus the stuff in his portfolio is not really the look i'm going for. but i know no one else! arrrrgh! somehow i totally thought i could make this work, but now i just don't know.
deep breath in, deep breath out. this too shall pass.