there's a cool wind blowing tonight.
i walked to the shop-of-coffee and tried to get a fix on...
it didn't work.
the sky was crystal clear and as a consolation,
i viewed a constellation...or four to be precise... i like them more than most.
the pleiades huddled closely, staving off the chill of space,
tauras stood firm between those seven sisters and orion's bow
cassiopeia hung in the distance, watching all that goes on.
the joe didn't keep me warm, the buzz left early,
words read at my table left with the buzz and i walked without the retention of time spent caffine, no knowledge alike.
still hours to go until morning...i gave up the night so that i might make time for another.
i gave up tonight in hopes of double future fun...
but it's too nice outside, it's too fun where everyone is warm and jumping about, slapping fives, tipping shots, swilling brew.
just a few hours of fun then?? after which it's back to work then?? hmmmmmmm....
yes, no, i don't know, maybe, no, yes, fuck, no, ok, i'm never indecisive...
maybe i'll just have to listen to some old-school RHCP and figure it out's still early, still hours before the town shuts down,
gotta stop typing, must do work, have to go OUT!! cabin fever, burnout, seasonal affective disorder, (whatever it should be called) has officially set in!!!
a bout of senioritis maybe, plus a new plane ticket in hand! overload sucks and can you blame the rant?
some beer would go good here, a scotch would go best. some glen? dimple? now...focus...
study break anyone??!!!
i walked to the shop-of-coffee and tried to get a fix on...
it didn't work.
the sky was crystal clear and as a consolation,
i viewed a constellation...or four to be precise... i like them more than most.
the pleiades huddled closely, staving off the chill of space,
tauras stood firm between those seven sisters and orion's bow
cassiopeia hung in the distance, watching all that goes on.
the joe didn't keep me warm, the buzz left early,
words read at my table left with the buzz and i walked without the retention of time spent caffine, no knowledge alike.
still hours to go until morning...i gave up the night so that i might make time for another.
i gave up tonight in hopes of double future fun...
but it's too nice outside, it's too fun where everyone is warm and jumping about, slapping fives, tipping shots, swilling brew.
just a few hours of fun then?? after which it's back to work then?? hmmmmmmm....
yes, no, i don't know, maybe, no, yes, fuck, no, ok, i'm never indecisive...
maybe i'll just have to listen to some old-school RHCP and figure it out's still early, still hours before the town shuts down,
gotta stop typing, must do work, have to go OUT!! cabin fever, burnout, seasonal affective disorder, (whatever it should be called) has officially set in!!!
a bout of senioritis maybe, plus a new plane ticket in hand! overload sucks and can you blame the rant?
some beer would go good here, a scotch would go best. some glen? dimple? now...focus...
study break anyone??!!!

Thanks for the sweet words about my pictures. Hot Girl in Bar pic No.1 was not so great. My phone camera isn't quite up to the job... Sometimes I take my Nikon out at night, but even it can't quite deal with the light in Charlie Wright's International Bar. One day I will cave in and get me one of those little Ixus'.
Right now I wish for more time to play.