i've got dollar signs in my eyes $-) kind of weird and i'm never really the guy who's all about the benjamins (though i've never turned them away either). but i've got a new J.O.B. starting in a few months...not bad you say and i agree...
problem is, i got hired months ago... in october!! complete with papers, stating wages, benefits, the whole 9...so you're still thinking WTF?? ...right?? well, i'm stuck in a 'lag-time' between KNOWING what i've got coming and actually GETTING it...booo-mutha-fuckin'-hoo you say and yes...poor me
i'm excited as fucking hell....but right now, i'm suffering from my eyes being bigger than the bank account and my patience is wearing desperately thin....and i'm a patient sunuvabeyotch!! usually...
so basically, between meetings, running around and generally being busy, i had to go test-drive a new WRX, saunter through Best Buy and look at computers (mine S.U.X.!!), flip through CD's and also figure out what kind of phone i should get (again...mine has gone the way of my computer...). generally it was a busy but fun day...but frustrating...like someone was running in front of me with a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape and i was meant to chase like a greyhound after a plastic hare...
yeah...boooo-mutha-fuckin'-hooo again...like i've got shit to worry about when those poor people in vancouverpetra spoke of that are still trying to recover from a mud-slide
did anyone else note that sophie was happier today??
you all are instructed to go say hello and happiness to her...she'd do the same for you i'm sure of it.

problem is, i got hired months ago... in october!! complete with papers, stating wages, benefits, the whole 9...so you're still thinking WTF?? ...right?? well, i'm stuck in a 'lag-time' between KNOWING what i've got coming and actually GETTING it...booo-mutha-fuckin'-hoo you say and yes...poor me

so basically, between meetings, running around and generally being busy, i had to go test-drive a new WRX, saunter through Best Buy and look at computers (mine S.U.X.!!), flip through CD's and also figure out what kind of phone i should get (again...mine has gone the way of my computer...). generally it was a busy but fun day...but frustrating...like someone was running in front of me with a bottle of Chateauneuf-du-Pape and i was meant to chase like a greyhound after a plastic hare...
yeah...boooo-mutha-fuckin'-hooo again...like i've got shit to worry about when those poor people in vancouverpetra spoke of that are still trying to recover from a mud-slide

did anyone else note that sophie was happier today??