freedom is bliss. too much work can kill a brotha'...i've got DAYS off...!!...not just A day...but myself, to use as i bloody well please.
maybe i'll be productive...catch up on reading, work on my art, do some research, help the homeless...
maybe i'll sit at home, stare at the wall and scratch myself if there's an itch that so requires such action...
maybe, ahhhh.... it doesn't even matter...i can finally do to be a slave to the j.o.b. or school or anything else that requires being responsible...there is a day in the not-too-distant future that my vagabond lifestyle is going to take hold and the good ol' STL will see my back for once as i step toward somewhere else...back to colorado, alaska, utah?? gotta be somewhere mexico, arizona?? no texas...sorry to nevada, north dakota and why would i go to nebraska??....wyoming maybe, idaho (i-da-ho...always gotta laugh at that), a cabin, fly-fish, grow a big-ass beard, scare city-folk...
gotta go somewhere though...soon...any suggestions out there??
for now...gotta get some food...then figure out what to do...?...grab the girl, drink some drinks...hmmmm
freedom is bliss. too much work can kill a brotha'...i've got DAYS off...!!...not just A day...but myself, to use as i bloody well please.
maybe i'll be productive...catch up on reading, work on my art, do some research, help the homeless...
maybe i'll sit at home, stare at the wall and scratch myself if there's an itch that so requires such action...
maybe, ahhhh.... it doesn't even matter...i can finally do to be a slave to the j.o.b. or school or anything else that requires being responsible...there is a day in the not-too-distant future that my vagabond lifestyle is going to take hold and the good ol' STL will see my back for once as i step toward somewhere else...back to colorado, alaska, utah?? gotta be somewhere mexico, arizona?? no texas...sorry to nevada, north dakota and why would i go to nebraska??....wyoming maybe, idaho (i-da-ho...always gotta laugh at that), a cabin, fly-fish, grow a big-ass beard, scare city-folk...
gotta go somewhere though...soon...any suggestions out there??
for now...gotta get some food...then figure out what to do...?...grab the girl, drink some drinks...hmmmm