a. it's cold
b. it's windy
c. i'm tired
d. i don't feel like going through the entire alphabet....
love my flopmonster dogs and their eternal drool and hair, the crazy bastards...the puppy, paisley, is no longer puppy-size and has assumed the role of the proverbial 'bull in a china-closet' each and every day when i get home...how's about a little unconditional love from the slobbery queen? jeeeezus...out of control...but she's sweet as all hell and just wants to be nice to anything and everything that moves.
the older girl, kosak, (10 now!!!) still eyeballs the youngster and can't quite figure out where all that fucking energy is stored...i'm with her...how can 50lbs of dog contain soooo much motion?? but i remind her that she, being a husky, wasn't the angel when she was younger...she's just a little slower, a little greyer and gettin a litte crotchetty(sp?) in her old age...old biddy
i'm not one of those people that dotes over my pets, dresses them up (unless i'm trying to make fun of them for trying to act cool) or anything bizarre like that...but truth be known, i'd be a blubbering goddam mess if anything happened to either of them...all manliness i possess would go out the window...what can i say...they're my little hairy, digging, farting, chewing, jumping, shitting, eating, babies...i'm stuck with em...
riiiiiiight...whatever that was....
i'm making plans to start climbing with a girl i met while out with my bud rosy...originally i believe they were trying to hook up but don't think it really went anywhere beyond kissing and heavy petting...think they decided to leave it as friends and just party without the "other" stuff...i'm going to tell them both their crazy as fools cause they're both hot!! and i need to live somewhat vicariously through random acts of hottness that i can easily picture with those two hooking up!
but, alas...i think it leaves me with a climbing partner...i'm satisfied with that though...i've got plenty of vicarious living in these pages...PLENTY....and i'm looking forward to the rock again...it's been years and i need to get back at it...it can get insane and i recommend it to anyone looking for some adrenaline who doesn't like to run/ride/skate, etc...
lastly... sophie has a gift. the girl seems to be the nicest thing on this entire planet and i don't give a fuck HOW cliche this'll sound...but it's good to know there is someone on earth that has her joie de vivre and caring for others...just my own random observance... if anyone happens across this last bit o' writing...head over to her journal..it'll brighten your day mos-def'.
b. it's windy
c. i'm tired
d. i don't feel like going through the entire alphabet....
love my flopmonster dogs and their eternal drool and hair, the crazy bastards...the puppy, paisley, is no longer puppy-size and has assumed the role of the proverbial 'bull in a china-closet' each and every day when i get home...how's about a little unconditional love from the slobbery queen? jeeeezus...out of control...but she's sweet as all hell and just wants to be nice to anything and everything that moves.
the older girl, kosak, (10 now!!!) still eyeballs the youngster and can't quite figure out where all that fucking energy is stored...i'm with her...how can 50lbs of dog contain soooo much motion?? but i remind her that she, being a husky, wasn't the angel when she was younger...she's just a little slower, a little greyer and gettin a litte crotchetty(sp?) in her old age...old biddy

i'm not one of those people that dotes over my pets, dresses them up (unless i'm trying to make fun of them for trying to act cool) or anything bizarre like that...but truth be known, i'd be a blubbering goddam mess if anything happened to either of them...all manliness i possess would go out the window...what can i say...they're my little hairy, digging, farting, chewing, jumping, shitting, eating, babies...i'm stuck with em...

riiiiiiight...whatever that was....
i'm making plans to start climbing with a girl i met while out with my bud rosy...originally i believe they were trying to hook up but don't think it really went anywhere beyond kissing and heavy petting...think they decided to leave it as friends and just party without the "other" stuff...i'm going to tell them both their crazy as fools cause they're both hot!! and i need to live somewhat vicariously through random acts of hottness that i can easily picture with those two hooking up!
but, alas...i think it leaves me with a climbing partner...i'm satisfied with that though...i've got plenty of vicarious living in these pages...PLENTY....and i'm looking forward to the rock again...it's been years and i need to get back at it...it can get insane and i recommend it to anyone looking for some adrenaline who doesn't like to run/ride/skate, etc...
lastly... sophie has a gift. the girl seems to be the nicest thing on this entire planet and i don't give a fuck HOW cliche this'll sound...but it's good to know there is someone on earth that has her joie de vivre and caring for others...just my own random observance... if anyone happens across this last bit o' writing...head over to her journal..it'll brighten your day mos-def'.

no way! you're waaaay too kind!
thank you thank you! besos for you all over your headtop!