It's beginning to flurry again...has been for a couple of days now on and off...
got me thinking of circumstances, chance, random life- occurances, etc... and how right now, tens of thousands of feet up, a flake is putting on its final unique touches before letting go to descend upon terra firma.
years ago while riding in belgium i'd make arbitrary turns while training....right here, left there...and so on for hour on end. The entire country lends itself to this type of dedicated meandering and one never knows what might have come to pass had I steered in the opposite direction just here i sit many years later and after all the uncalculated and inconsequential lefts and rights that have brought me to this place at this time, i'm going to head out for a long walk with the dogs and catch a snowflake on my tongue.
It's probably on its way right now...we've been on track for millenia the two of us and today's the day we meet. A million miles of travel, a billion flakes a-falling, an interesting happenstance....and me....foolishly thinking my entire life was without destiny...silly.
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got me thinking of circumstances, chance, random life- occurances, etc... and how right now, tens of thousands of feet up, a flake is putting on its final unique touches before letting go to descend upon terra firma.
years ago while riding in belgium i'd make arbitrary turns while training....right here, left there...and so on for hour on end. The entire country lends itself to this type of dedicated meandering and one never knows what might have come to pass had I steered in the opposite direction just here i sit many years later and after all the uncalculated and inconsequential lefts and rights that have brought me to this place at this time, i'm going to head out for a long walk with the dogs and catch a snowflake on my tongue.
It's probably on its way right now...we've been on track for millenia the two of us and today's the day we meet. A million miles of travel, a billion flakes a-falling, an interesting happenstance....and me....foolishly thinking my entire life was without destiny...silly.
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