events of past 48 hours:
12 hour night shift from hell up to my armpits in bloody nastiness
followed by...
4 hours of "breakfast/(dinner?)" at 7am including
- 3 pints coooold beer and texas omelette
followed by...
6 hours of sleep
followed by...
8 hours of shooting pool, dancing, and repeat. Incuding:
- 2 Crown & Coke
- 2 Captain & Coke
- 2 unidentified shots
- 2 identified shots
- 1 not-so-cold beer
followed by...
8 hours of more sleep
followed by...
5 hours of coffee drinking
followed by...
5 hours of trying to remember all of the events of the night before???
ALSO!! my bid was accepted for the house i was looking to buy! I move in a month!! fn'scarry
my "new" house built in 1886

12 hour night shift from hell up to my armpits in bloody nastiness
followed by...
4 hours of "breakfast/(dinner?)" at 7am including
- 3 pints coooold beer and texas omelette
followed by...
6 hours of sleep
followed by...
8 hours of shooting pool, dancing, and repeat. Incuding:
- 2 Crown & Coke
- 2 Captain & Coke
- 2 unidentified shots
- 2 identified shots
- 1 not-so-cold beer
followed by...
8 hours of more sleep
followed by...
5 hours of coffee drinking
followed by...
5 hours of trying to remember all of the events of the night before???
ALSO!! my bid was accepted for the house i was looking to buy! I move in a month!! fn'scarry

my "new" house built in 1886