...I dont really know much about blogging, as in what i should put in one of these. So, since im new to this i'll just let everyone know whats going on in my life and a little more about myself. I've only been 18 for a few months, I'm not quite sure that I should feel a little like an adult or what, I still feel like a nerdy/goofy kid. My internet is down right now which really sucks, so im sitting at dennys for this. Hum... Lets see, I dropped out of high school to move to Seattle with my sister whos also my best friend. I came back to Ohio to get my GED and I'm supposed to be starting Cosmo school in December. I was really excited for that but not anymore. I cant decide if thats whats I really want to do. Trying to tell myself to just do it and get it done with since it dont take long and then figure out what I would like to do later. I live back at my mommas house and she would shit her pants if I told her I didnt want to go anymore. On the upside, I just went and bought a harmonica, I dont really know much aobut playing but its super cute when I just mess around with it cause my little chihuahua Lucy "sings" to it. aw. and I have a cat whose cross eyed. hes a little bad ass. His name was Gabby until I found out he wasn't a she. now its Wab. i'll have to put pictures up or something. haha, I probably sound like a complete idiot. Next week my friend Melissa is turning 18 and I think im going to take her out to a hookah bar or something. we're gonna go get piercings too. Im such a baby when it comes to needles though. Well with piercings, I was so excited and pumped when I got my tattoo. Im gonna get my cheeks done if I dont get scared. My sister just called me, shes pregnant and just found out what shes having, a baby girl. ah, i cant wait!! but for now im going out with some girlfriends and i'll blog later when i actually know what to say in this so you dont get bored.
LOVE, Wynn.

LOVE, Wynn.
You're super cute