""I am a photographer who likes to shoot ladies with their natural beauty. However, I am seeing more and more ladies who are getting tattoo's that are either too big, they are ugly, they are just put in the wrong spot, or finally they have way too many. Thus it takes away from the models natural beauty. Also, I seee ladies who are getting impants that are way to big for their bodies. As far as tattoos go, I do not mind a lady having one on the small of her back, on the top of their neck, on their upper arm (such as barbwire) or on the lower left or right of their pubic area. One or two of these would not be a problem. But to have them all is ridiculous, if the girl wants to be a model. The worst is where the girl has one on her breast, on her stomach, or going down her whole leg. Photoshop is not the answer because it then becomes fake. Ladies if you want to do modeling, please tone down the desires to use your body as canvass. I have seen a number of models on here who I would like to shoot, only to look in their ports to see the amount of tattoos. Finally, if you get implants, don't go over board. Please show your natural beauty. Before you get implants do some shoots without them. I would appreciate hearing from others either pro or con. ""
'It's sad when an "artist" can only recognize his interpretation of beauty as valid.'
Ignorant... Beyond ignorant.
This is actually bothering me so much it's making my blood boil.
If you don't like the way we look, don't ask us for a shoot.
What makes the photographer think he has the right to tell us what
beauty is and how we should look.
Remember, we're all beautiful.
We're just a lot more fun to look at.