What is a Soulmate ?
Been kind of lost lately. A part of me tells me to just stay focused on my carreer while the other half constantly cries out for someone to hold on too. My luck with relationships hasn't been the greatest through my life. Most guys I've dated were more focused on the sex. Even though I would give and give and give, they always wandered off to bite down on a new slab of meat. When I attempt to do the right thing and wait, their eyes still wander off and soon they're in bed with some other lady ( and some situations, with men ).
I know I'm only eightteen and I should be enjoying life; not depending on a man or woman to make me happy..
But I'm lonely. I spend most of my days by myself, hooked into my video games, books, weed, and my work out. I'd love to have a partner that enjoys the things that I do..
I know this sounds like some little girl feeling sorry for herself, but I'm so determined to find "the One" and to start a life with that person.. Someone I can trust and have those special romantic moments with like in the movies... /lesigh. My own special Link. For now I suppose I'll just have to suck it up and wait. I have a modeling career to build and an apprenticeship I got my eye on.. I should focus on that..
Maybe while I'm learning to love myself, my Link covered in tattoos and piercings will pop up.
But the voice in the back of my head says, "Doubt it."
Been kind of lost lately. A part of me tells me to just stay focused on my carreer while the other half constantly cries out for someone to hold on too. My luck with relationships hasn't been the greatest through my life. Most guys I've dated were more focused on the sex. Even though I would give and give and give, they always wandered off to bite down on a new slab of meat. When I attempt to do the right thing and wait, their eyes still wander off and soon they're in bed with some other lady ( and some situations, with men ).
I know I'm only eightteen and I should be enjoying life; not depending on a man or woman to make me happy..
But I'm lonely. I spend most of my days by myself, hooked into my video games, books, weed, and my work out. I'd love to have a partner that enjoys the things that I do..
I know this sounds like some little girl feeling sorry for herself, but I'm so determined to find "the One" and to start a life with that person.. Someone I can trust and have those special romantic moments with like in the movies... /lesigh. My own special Link. For now I suppose I'll just have to suck it up and wait. I have a modeling career to build and an apprenticeship I got my eye on.. I should focus on that..
Maybe while I'm learning to love myself, my Link covered in tattoos and piercings will pop up.
But the voice in the back of my head says, "Doubt it."
Wishing for no more than someone to love and be loved by, in the simplest, most sincere way possible
I know that's what I want. Someone to come home to. No complications, no bullshit, no mystery. Just someone true. I stopped searching, I'm gonna let her come to me.
Do the same