Im uniquely different to say the least everyone see's a side of me but never the whole picture. I am many things but never at the same time it seem. I'm young with a wise mind but that is an other side of me. Like the Reckless side that calculates risk. When the risk is low enough I'll do something stupid but when there a chance of being ridiculed for what I say or how I ack i'll stop completely in my tracks. How am I many things and nothing at the same time it fills like I'm an enigma in my own skin
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Scary words
Why is it some words that are sringed together scare us at first bu… -
Why is it that it's about who screwing who. Like me I'm a virgin an… -
U interested me
Look as y'all can tell I'm not normal. There's reason for that. I w… -
Sorry I have not posted in awhile I guess that's what happens when … -
What do you think fiction or nonfiction?
Let me tell you all something I have a breaking point like most but… -
Actions are louder
It isn't my actions that defy my love for you rather my… -
Beauty deeper then the surface
The Beauty u have inside the only thing that I seem to find the only … -
Moon and wolf
We where close like the moon to the stars but I have fallen and beca… -
Keeping entertained
I have some story, poems, lyrics, and other stuff I have written t… -
See I'm a big guy I'm 220-250 I gain weight and lose. It sometime i…