So me and Deandra have decided to make a YouTube phenomomeon. Which is going to be starring, me and her.. AKA Becky and Alliey.
What we're going to do is team up on yahoo messenger and go into chatrooms and hella talk to 40 year old d00ds and try to get them to meet up with us.
Then, if we suceed.... We're going to get them to meet us infront of like El Capitan where there's HELLAAA people and then outta nowhere my biffle, EJ, is going to come out with a loudspeaker and hella embarrasss them.
I will be posting videos as soon as we start the process of everything.
What we're going to do is team up on yahoo messenger and go into chatrooms and hella talk to 40 year old d00ds and try to get them to meet up with us.
Then, if we suceed.... We're going to get them to meet us infront of like El Capitan where there's HELLAAA people and then outta nowhere my biffle, EJ, is going to come out with a loudspeaker and hella embarrasss them.
I will be posting videos as soon as we start the process of everything.
LMAO! It'll be biigger and better than To Catch a Predator.