Oh man, I watched a great movie with a friend last night. It starred Jeanne Moreau and was called "Elevator to the Gallows." I totally fell in love with this woman. She was so raw... I'd totally marry a woman like that.

♥ ♥ ♥
Tentative date for leaving New York and heading down to the Big Easy: March 8th. I cannot wait! I'm gonna get to see my friend, Lorin. She's having a baby! And my little cousins who I haven't seen in ages! It's gonna be a good trip.
I'm mad bored, so I decided to blab here for a bit. I think I'm gonna let my hair grow out a bit and dye it platinum blonde. It used to be that color when I was little, but it hasn't been in a LOOOOOONG time. I definitely wouldn't want it that color if it was really long, but I think it might look tight if I kept it semi-short. I need some change.
I wanna go to the Natural History Museum. I think I'm goin out drinking with a friend tomorrow and then going to see his friend's film on Wednesday. It's a low-budget horror film about a little boy dealing with ruffiants in an underground, below-the-subway-tunnels-city. Sounds pretty nifty to me...
Hmmm... people have been telling me that I resemble this guy:

Edward Furlong- he plays the younger brother in "American History X." Interesting...
And one for the road...

Aiight, ladies and gents: When Riggy gets bored with a camera, naked pictures sometimes emerge. I also dyed my hair. You can see it in one of them. A serious re-dying job is needed.

♥ ♥ ♥
Tentative date for leaving New York and heading down to the Big Easy: March 8th. I cannot wait! I'm gonna get to see my friend, Lorin. She's having a baby! And my little cousins who I haven't seen in ages! It's gonna be a good trip.

I'm mad bored, so I decided to blab here for a bit. I think I'm gonna let my hair grow out a bit and dye it platinum blonde. It used to be that color when I was little, but it hasn't been in a LOOOOOONG time. I definitely wouldn't want it that color if it was really long, but I think it might look tight if I kept it semi-short. I need some change.
I wanna go to the Natural History Museum. I think I'm goin out drinking with a friend tomorrow and then going to see his friend's film on Wednesday. It's a low-budget horror film about a little boy dealing with ruffiants in an underground, below-the-subway-tunnels-city. Sounds pretty nifty to me...
Hmmm... people have been telling me that I resemble this guy:

Edward Furlong- he plays the younger brother in "American History X." Interesting...
And one for the road...

Aiight, ladies and gents: When Riggy gets bored with a camera, naked pictures sometimes emerge. I also dyed my hair. You can see it in one of them. A serious re-dying job is needed.
Your hair looks lovely.
I don't think you look like the actor though, maybe a little resemblance in the last pic, but you are way to cute to look like any one, they can only look like you!