So, I'm meeting with a photographer tomorrow that my friend does artistic nudes with. He pays like $25 an hour and I need some money. She says he's not skeevy, so we shall see.
Valentine's Day lacked luster in my opinion. It was soooooo snowy outside today.
I'm starting to plan for my trip. I think I'm leaving the first week of March. I know I'm gonna wanna smoke on the drive, so I'm trying to figure out how to hide the stash in case I get pulled over. I hope I don't. I need mixed CD's. Alot of them. Good ones. Road trip music?
Weird question that me and my friend were talking about earlier: favorite sex scene in a movie? At the moment, mine are: Rosario Dawson and Colin Farrel in "Alexander," Diane Lane and Oliver Martinez in "Unfaithful," and Clea DuVall and Natasha Lyonne in "But I'm a Cheerleader." That's all I got for now. I'm probably forgetting the best one ever. You guys?
I need some money bad. If anyone has any rich friends that like to give away their money, give me their number.
Valentine's Day lacked luster in my opinion. It was soooooo snowy outside today.
I'm starting to plan for my trip. I think I'm leaving the first week of March. I know I'm gonna wanna smoke on the drive, so I'm trying to figure out how to hide the stash in case I get pulled over. I hope I don't. I need mixed CD's. Alot of them. Good ones. Road trip music?
Weird question that me and my friend were talking about earlier: favorite sex scene in a movie? At the moment, mine are: Rosario Dawson and Colin Farrel in "Alexander," Diane Lane and Oliver Martinez in "Unfaithful," and Clea DuVall and Natasha Lyonne in "But I'm a Cheerleader." That's all I got for now. I'm probably forgetting the best one ever. You guys?
I need some money bad. If anyone has any rich friends that like to give away their money, give me their number.

yer quite pretty.