I just got back from taking the amazing Miss Cecily to the airport and I was so sad to see her go
I hope I showed her a good time and didn't bore her tooooo much. Anyways, since I'm lazy, I'm attaching the link to my facebook albums I made that hold all the pictures from her visit. You can see both of them here and here. Once I've had a nap I'll get around to putting some up here for real. And then I'll give everyone a blow by blow. Heh heh
Alrighty, laziness has been conquered (to a degree).

Miss Cecily snapped these winners with her camera phone:

We look demented!


@ the party:

Alrighty, those are some of the highlights. My friend has better pics on his phone, I think, so once he posts them, I'll steal em' and deliver them to you guys.
Oh, and it's official: I'm going to Louisiana for a couple of weeks! I'm leaving in 2-3 weeks and hopefully I can get all my shit together. We shall see... Mocha, it's our responsibility to convince Cecily to come party in New Orleans with us. Sound like a plan?

Alrighty, laziness has been conquered (to a degree).

Miss Cecily snapped these winners with her camera phone:

We look demented!


@ the party:

Alrighty, those are some of the highlights. My friend has better pics on his phone, I think, so once he posts them, I'll steal em' and deliver them to you guys.
Oh, and it's official: I'm going to Louisiana for a couple of weeks! I'm leaving in 2-3 weeks and hopefully I can get all my shit together. We shall see... Mocha, it's our responsibility to convince Cecily to come party in New Orleans with us. Sound like a plan?

Awe you two are adorable!! And that doobie looks delicious...
Those pics are so cute. I lurrvvvveee the new proflie pic you look so damn hot