Wooooooooooooooooo. This has been one hell of a weekend. Me and my friend decided to take some X the other night (she'd done it before, I hadn't). Looooooong story short, I took it and nothing happened, so I smoked about $30 worth of pot that night. Last night, I decided to go to a BBQ some friends from work were having and my friend, T, that hooked me up with the X was there. So, about 5 of us decided to do it and this time, sheer bliss. Holy shit... it took about 2 hours to kick in for me. I had to drink about 2 beers and smoke a few hits of the pipe before things got rolling (ha ha). Good fucking times. I got another little wave this morning and was golden by the time I had to be at work at 5:30. No come down or anything. Amazing
The huge warehouse party I go to every month is this friday and I plan on dancing the entire night. I start school a week from today and I figure I better party it up while I still can.

The huge warehouse party I go to every month is this friday and I plan on dancing the entire night. I start school a week from today and I figure I better party it up while I still can.

Hope you have an awesome time dancing the night away

hey! i was wondering...did you buy me a magnet? I just got a lil' package in the mail today which i totally love, but it has no sender information.