Poo. My New Year's dress that I bought offline looks terrible on me. Damn my hipless, small-butted figure! Curves would really come in handy right about now. I also bought some black, fancy skinny jeans, but they don't fit either. I guess I'll be getting some money back once I return them which means, I'll add the two gift cards together and buy me a camera, I think. I need one, so that's sort of exciting.
So, it's Christmas tomorrow, huh? Doesn't feel like it all. I've been running all through the boroughs, trying to feed two different cats and buy the few Christmas presents I can afford to this year. It's not even that cold in the city. It's rather strange.
My first day at the job went alright, despite the fact that I was exhausted, having not slept the night before trying to finish my finals, dehydradated and just all emotionally out of whack. I almost had a nervous breakdown before going in, but I managed to pull myself together and sort of do a good job. I'm working a full shift by myself on tuesday, which means I need to memorize that stupid menu and get my head on straight. I really need to bag this job because I am completely and utterly broke. Sad
But, Merry Christmas, everyone! I send really big, amazing kisses. ♥
So, it's Christmas tomorrow, huh? Doesn't feel like it all. I've been running all through the boroughs, trying to feed two different cats and buy the few Christmas presents I can afford to this year. It's not even that cold in the city. It's rather strange.
My first day at the job went alright, despite the fact that I was exhausted, having not slept the night before trying to finish my finals, dehydradated and just all emotionally out of whack. I almost had a nervous breakdown before going in, but I managed to pull myself together and sort of do a good job. I'm working a full shift by myself on tuesday, which means I need to memorize that stupid menu and get my head on straight. I really need to bag this job because I am completely and utterly broke. Sad

Hope you had a good time, and that you managed to get trhough Tuesday ok. I must say, it needs to be COLD at xmas, or it isnt right. I couldnt do xmas in a hot country!

i ♥ you.