Only one more day of class!!!
Too bad I have to write a 10 page paper by thursday morning. Ew... gotta make the ol' brain work a liiiiiiittle bit more.
Good news! I have an interview tomorrow! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hope I get this job. Considering I've got a connection and they're sort of desperate (it's the holiday season and all), it should be in the bag.
Oh, ha, so, somehow I got roped into cat/housesitting for 2 different people for the holidays. And I should mention, for free. I am going to go nuts. I'm gonna be running all over the place! Thankfully, they're semi-close to each other. By semi-close, I mean, within 3 stops on the same train line. Ha.
*** Edit ***
I need your advice (that's right, all of you):

Should I buy this for my New Years dress? I'm going to a fabulous party and have nothing to wear, but I'm in a state of "finals delusion" and can't really discern if I love it or think it's the most hideous thing ever created. I don't get all girly-fied too often these days, so it's gotta be juuuuuuust right.

Good news! I have an interview tomorrow! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hope I get this job. Considering I've got a connection and they're sort of desperate (it's the holiday season and all), it should be in the bag.
Oh, ha, so, somehow I got roped into cat/housesitting for 2 different people for the holidays. And I should mention, for free. I am going to go nuts. I'm gonna be running all over the place! Thankfully, they're semi-close to each other. By semi-close, I mean, within 3 stops on the same train line. Ha.
*** Edit ***
I need your advice (that's right, all of you):

Should I buy this for my New Years dress? I'm going to a fabulous party and have nothing to wear, but I'm in a state of "finals delusion" and can't really discern if I love it or think it's the most hideous thing ever created. I don't get all girly-fied too often these days, so it's gotta be juuuuuuust right.
sucks but hey you got a new one
margaritas yummyyy