I'm being semi-productive! Yeee-haw!
This short break I'm taking may be a procrastination technique I happen to be employing at the moment, but it is a necessary one. This is my mental health break. This break is necessary because it will save me from losing my mind.
I had a pretty good today
I went and hung out with a good friend, smoked him out and then we went for a walk in Prospect Park. It was pitch dark and crisp-feeling. We walked for a long time, visited trees that were centuries older than us. We saw an owl! It was amazing.
I realized a strange thing I do when stoned. It usually only happens when I'm riding on the train alone, with my headphones on. Whenever a really good, kickass song comes on, I start to imagine cheerleading routines to the beat. This is especially odd because I was never a cheerleader and can't form (or preform, for that matter) a dance routine to save my life. It is pretty entertaining, in my sad, little brain, at least.
I had to reschedule my tattoo appointment tomorrow because I'm broke
Sigh... this is going to be a crummy Christmas, seeing as how I haven't bought anyone a gift and probably won't be. Oh well, with my non-existent tattoo money, I'm going to throw a fabulous Holiday party. Got any ideas to make it wonderful? I thought about having an underwear party, but then I thought some of the people I'll be inviting and realized that I don't necessarily want to see most of them in their underwear. Maybe I'll just edit the guestlist and only invite the hott chicks. Heh-heh
<---------- That was a joke. I like my friends very much and I'm sure some of them don't want to see me in my underpants.
Wooooo! This post is being edited to say (in a super, excited voice): I'm getting a job! I'm getting a job! Yay! The stupid journalist man finally left a message on my voicemail and left the number for the owner of the restaurant. I checked them out online and they're semi-fancy, but... have open-mic night! That is super exciting to me because I've been looking for a way to sort of force myself back into the performance life. I used to sing all the time (mainly in church, but also in talent shows and school plays and shit) and since I moved to New York, I haven't done anything along that vein, so this is freakin awesome. Also... this means money! Finally! I have to call the dude tomorrow. Everyone, cross your fingers.
This short break I'm taking may be a procrastination technique I happen to be employing at the moment, but it is a necessary one. This is my mental health break. This break is necessary because it will save me from losing my mind.
I had a pretty good today

I realized a strange thing I do when stoned. It usually only happens when I'm riding on the train alone, with my headphones on. Whenever a really good, kickass song comes on, I start to imagine cheerleading routines to the beat. This is especially odd because I was never a cheerleader and can't form (or preform, for that matter) a dance routine to save my life. It is pretty entertaining, in my sad, little brain, at least.
I had to reschedule my tattoo appointment tomorrow because I'm broke

Wooooo! This post is being edited to say (in a super, excited voice): I'm getting a job! I'm getting a job! Yay! The stupid journalist man finally left a message on my voicemail and left the number for the owner of the restaurant. I checked them out online and they're semi-fancy, but... have open-mic night! That is super exciting to me because I've been looking for a way to sort of force myself back into the performance life. I used to sing all the time (mainly in church, but also in talent shows and school plays and shit) and since I moved to New York, I haven't done anything along that vein, so this is freakin awesome. Also... this means money! Finally! I have to call the dude tomorrow. Everyone, cross your fingers.
Yay for jobs! Yay for things jobs mean! yay for you singing! Yay for yay!