Hmmm, well, I am feeling a tiny bit better from my last post (thanks to all you lovely SG friends that left sweet comments). Despite my natural pessimism, I still harbor this notion that I'm akin to a magician, or miracle worker- like, at the very last second, with a swoosh of my cape and a flick of my wand, I'll have turned water to wine or made the pretty assistant reapear. I've got a little less than a month left. I can do this... I can so do this!
Anywho... I've made up a christmas wish list. It's not complete, though... I must admit, I have a few SG crushes that I'd like to steal for a while, but in the meantime...
Some Maggie all for me
Ms. Katie Sketch from 'The Organ'
Eva Amurri from 'Saved' (Man, why weren't school uniforms that hott when I was in highschool?)
And my long-time love, Clea Duvall (Sigh ♥ )
How was everyone's Thanksgivings?

Anywho... I've made up a christmas wish list. It's not complete, though... I must admit, I have a few SG crushes that I'd like to steal for a while, but in the meantime...
Some Maggie all for me

Ms. Katie Sketch from 'The Organ'

Eva Amurri from 'Saved' (Man, why weren't school uniforms that hott when I was in highschool?)

And my long-time love, Clea Duvall (Sigh ♥ )

How was everyone's Thanksgivings?

Thanksgiving was lovely, had family and good cheer all around