I'm having a bit of a financial crisis. School starts September 5th, my first bill is due on August 1st and my scholarship only covers 1/3rd of my tuition. That leaves me with a substantial amount of money to come up with in less than a week. My loans haven't come through and money isn't falling out of trees. I'm supposed to have a college fund set aside by my dad and his parents, but when I moved out of his house, that money just disappeared [as in, no one ever mentioned it again]. I had to resort to calling my grandmother to ask her for a loan last week and she changed the subject on me. I called the TOPS fund [that's like the state money for college students in Louisiana State] to find out if there even was a savings fund in my name and Surprise! There is! Only it's in my father's name and I can't access it without his permission. So basically, a ton of money set aside for my college fund is just sitting around not being used purely to spite me. I am so angry and I'm really considering finding a lesbian lawyer with pent-up rage against religious biggots to take on the case, pro-bono, and just sue the crap out of my dad and the rest of my psychotic family. That, or I'll drop out of school, move to some island and live off pineapples and leaves or something. Sigh...
i can sympathize with the financial issues that arise when you're living off of student loans... fucking sucks. i hope that something comes through and that everything works out.