Today was a much better day than yesterday. The weather was gorgeous and I got to hang out with the ever-fabulous Piski! I also got my new tattoo!!! But seeing as how it's still all bandaged up and I can't find the camera anywhere, I'll post a pic from the other night to tide you over. Here's me and Piski going to a super cool Goth club

Tattoo pictures will come soon
I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. I'm not even kidding. So, I was supposed to get my new tattoo on monday. When I went in, the artist wasn't prepared. He said he didn't have time to type up the whole three lines of text it entailed. But, he drew up a little sketch and I noticed right away that on the middle line, he wrote "for" instead of "from." That one little word pretty much changes the meaning of the entire quote. So I told him and he said for me not to worry, said he'd fix it.
So... I come in to get the tattoo today and when he brings out the paper with the quote for me to choose the font, I noticed that he still had it as "for." I told him to change it and he said he would. He comes back with it typed up in the right font, but still has it as "for." So for the third time, I told him that it was "FROM." He finally comes out with it the right way and said he was going to resize it and then we were all set. I checked the paper one last time and decided that we could go ahead and do the tattoo.
Now, I'm not sure what happened between me okay-ing the thing, him resizing it and the text being put on my body, but somewhere along the way, he managed to write "FOR" INSTEAD OF "FROM." I didn't notice it at first because the font is pretty small and I was just glad that it was all over, but when I came home and took off the bandage, I saw the mistake and I am fucking pissed. Fine, I understand that people mess up, but this is a permanant tattoo on my body for forever! How could he tattoo it on me when it's been brought to his attention three times that he keeps screwing up??? Not to mention, this shop is considered one of the best in New York City, so this just boggles my mind.
I'm the type of person who avoids confrontations at all costs and I hate to bother people and generally just let things go even if it's a huge inconvenience. But, considering the reputation of this shop, the price I paid for that tattoo and the $50 tip I left the guy, I know I've got to go in and something if only to let him know what happened. AGH!!! I am soooooooooooo pissed!!!

Tattoo pictures will come soon

I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. I'm not even kidding. So, I was supposed to get my new tattoo on monday. When I went in, the artist wasn't prepared. He said he didn't have time to type up the whole three lines of text it entailed. But, he drew up a little sketch and I noticed right away that on the middle line, he wrote "for" instead of "from." That one little word pretty much changes the meaning of the entire quote. So I told him and he said for me not to worry, said he'd fix it.
So... I come in to get the tattoo today and when he brings out the paper with the quote for me to choose the font, I noticed that he still had it as "for." I told him to change it and he said he would. He comes back with it typed up in the right font, but still has it as "for." So for the third time, I told him that it was "FROM." He finally comes out with it the right way and said he was going to resize it and then we were all set. I checked the paper one last time and decided that we could go ahead and do the tattoo.
Now, I'm not sure what happened between me okay-ing the thing, him resizing it and the text being put on my body, but somewhere along the way, he managed to write "FOR" INSTEAD OF "FROM." I didn't notice it at first because the font is pretty small and I was just glad that it was all over, but when I came home and took off the bandage, I saw the mistake and I am fucking pissed. Fine, I understand that people mess up, but this is a permanant tattoo on my body for forever! How could he tattoo it on me when it's been brought to his attention three times that he keeps screwing up??? Not to mention, this shop is considered one of the best in New York City, so this just boggles my mind.
I'm the type of person who avoids confrontations at all costs and I hate to bother people and generally just let things go even if it's a huge inconvenience. But, considering the reputation of this shop, the price I paid for that tattoo and the $50 tip I left the guy, I know I've got to go in and something if only to let him know what happened. AGH!!! I am soooooooooooo pissed!!!
Hardcore sexy picture...

Wtf! That is so shitty. I think you need to find a new tattoo artist. If he can't comprehend it after the 2nd time he should have written it down. I would definitely go in & say something. It is permanent & the last thing you need is to be upset each time someone asks you about it. Good luck!