Dial-up rules. Feels like I'm back in middle school, chatting on telnet talkers all day. Waiting for ten minutes for dailykos or salon.com to load. I think porn is out of the question.
Getting a lot of reading done. Not as much writing as I would like, but there is still time left.
I forgot to pay rent before I departed - I left the envelope with the check on my coffee table and everything.
I've been hiking at night. The mountains are right outside my door. It is very green here, the smell very different. And the sky.
Getting a lot of reading done. Not as much writing as I would like, but there is still time left.
I forgot to pay rent before I departed - I left the envelope with the check on my coffee table and everything.
I've been hiking at night. The mountains are right outside my door. It is very green here, the smell very different. And the sky.
I missed something. Where are you? Can't you just call your land lord and tell him the check is on the coffee table? They have to have a key.