Hey sexy people hows it going? Well I finally have a pic yay and I'm out of school thank god!!! I was starting to go a little crazy there from dealing with my cool but very egotistical chef. But hey I'm good now so rock on!!! I also got to hang out with my very rad cousin Sissi she is so cool I love her to death, we goofed off taking pictures for like two fucking hours which we were getting sweetly intoxicated.

More Blogs
Friday Jun 23, 2006
I'm back I have a new computer it's awesome. So how is everyone doin? -
Monday Mar 27, 2006
I finally have a computer that works again!!!! I haven't been able to… -
Thursday Jul 07, 2005
I'm so sad I had an extra bill that cost me a lot so now I don't get … -
Thursday Jun 30, 2005
I am excited for July 4th It's going to be radtacular!!! I get to spe… -
Tuesday Jun 28, 2005
Oh my fucking god I'm going to kill my asshole neighbors, they are tr… -
Sunday Jun 26, 2005
Hey sexy people hows it going? Well I finally have a pic yay and I'm … -
Wednesday Jun 08, 2005
YAY I'm almost outta school and it's time to relax and enjoy the sun … -
Tuesday May 24, 2005
I'm really trying to get my pic on here but my stupid computer is jus… -
Sunday May 22, 2005
hey hey this is kahlua and my lazy ass roommate is too busy talkin to…
Have you read wheel of time? I would suggest it since you like fantasy,.. It's a great series, just trust me, get past the first two hundred or so pages and you will be hooked. I can let you borrow it if you are coming to the combined birthday party on the 15th.
Also I just have to say, you are very beautiful.
and since you like fairies..
God I am rambly today,.. sorry... I will try to be more concise and to the point next time,.. You know,.. less like a ferret with A.D.D,... being attention deficite disorder,... not advanced Dungeons and Dragons... I wonder what makes it advanced anyways?
Ok,... no more rambling...
I'm done,..
I'm going now.
Sounds like your interested in the book