I finally have a computer that works again!!!! I haven't been able to be on here for so long it's ridiculous I was missing this site. and I did get my tattoo designed it myself it's fucking awesome. It looks kind of celtic, I'm working on gettin another one soon. see ya guys
Thanks for the compliments. You should try some practice sets until you're ready to apply. Seeing nekkie pics of yourself really tends to boost your confidence, what I've found anyway. lol. and you should post some pics of that tattoo.
I am excited for July 4th It's going to be radtacular!!! I get to spend time with my mom, drink, swim and have all sorts of fun Whats everyone else doing for the forth?
I wish I had someone to bring
but it won't happen and I can deal it'll still be loads of fun.
I get My tattoo on tuesday which is gonna be... Read More
Yeah, I know how you feel, I am going out to my parents property tommorrow to hang out probably have a barbicue, ride there four wheeler and what not,.. then we're all going out to two rivers casino to watch the fireworks and probably gamble.. should be fun, but I wish I could bring someone along too.. and since I am single and will be for a long while to come that's right out, and my best friend will be working.. oh well.
Also Yay Tattoo! Can't wait to see it...
Lets see, what else..
Yes I agree, Kahlua is probably my favoritist person that I have met in a while... Actually reading her posts I could almost swear we are the same person,.. but umm,.. with different parts. I don't think I have ever heard anyone sound so much like me... heh, kinda funny...
By the way, I sympathise with the whole cheating signifigant other. That's how a three year relationship ended for me. it sickens me that poeple would do that to someone, you know what, if you want to be with the person you are with Dont cheat! If you don't then break up with them before you go fool arount,... anyways,.. rant over.
You don't need to get me anything for my birthday, I don't need anything. I wasn't even going to celebrate, I am just going to the shindig to celebrate Kahlua's b-day.
Oh my fucking god I'm going to kill my asshole neighbors, they are trying to get me and my family evicted and I'ts pissing me off big time i just want to kill them. They said me and mysis and our room mates run outside without tops on and we don't . We have know idea what to do?
Hey sexy people hows it going? Well I finally have a pic yay and I'm out of school thank god!!! I was starting to go a little crazy there from dealing with my cool but very egotistical chef. But hey I'm good now so rock on!!! I also got to hang out with my very rad cousin Sissi she is so cool I love her... Read More
I hope to see your tattoo,... I have only designed one of my tattoos so far.. I like to have different styles. Maybe some day we can do a tattoo trade, I will design yours and you can design mine.
Have you read wheel of time? I would suggest it since you like fantasy,.. It's a great series, just trust me, get past the first two hundred or so pages and you will be hooked. I can let you borrow it if you are coming to the combined birthday party on the 15th.
Also I just have to say, you are very beautiful.
and since you like fairies..
God I am rambly today,.. sorry... I will try to be more concise and to the point next time,.. You know,.. less like a ferret with A.D.D,... being attention deficite disorder,... not advanced Dungeons and Dragons... I wonder what makes it advanced anyways?
The birthday shindig (love that word,.. shindig) is at,.. oh waitaminute. I forgot that posting that in here any ol stalker could end up showing up and being creepy. I'll send you an e-mail,..
Sounds like your interested in the book so I will definately bring it along. You'll love them, he is on like number ten and there each about a thousand pages, so it will keep ya busy.
Yay! Well actually just yay for you really,... It dosen't matter what season it is I can never get out of work,... seriously, the owner of the store I manage would just come pick me up at home if I ever didn't show up.....
[(Whispers) seriosly,.. they lock me in the back room... I can't go home, and if I do anything wrong they poke me with sticks,.. Help]
I'm really trying to get my pic on here but my stupid computer is just not cooperating with me at the moment, but I'm getting there. I'm thinking probably by Monday I could do it. But hey if anyone wants to talk cool I'll be on so hey give me a buzz