So I went out to a strip joint last night. Myself, Kemper, her bf, and a few friends went. It was super fun but because it was a Wednesday it was mostly "c string". some "b string" came out but the "a string" had the night off! One girl even looked like a really tall midget and it was really funny to watch her try to walk in those 5'' stripper shoes! Only a few girls did pole tricks and when they did it was super impressive so we yelled and screamed for them. One time when we went crazy the other stripper on stage (2 poles, 2 strippers were on at all times) just sat down and watched. That's all she did her entire set was sit on stage and chill! We didn't care much though cause she was super chubby! (and not the cute chubby, like the girls why are still way hot at a plus size, no, I'm talken like jello giggle goin on!) We wanted to take pictures but we forgot that all strip joints in force a strict no picture rule. They even made up take our phones back to the car! So, all in all it was fun, I got drunk (no surprise) and we had a sexy/ funny show. Not really what you expect from a strip joint, but that's what we get when we go on a Wednesday! Next time you should all come!
THAT'S the monkey! I've been looken for that bastard...

THAT'S the monkey! I've been looken for that bastard...
p.s. a girl I once dated referred to the "b and c-string" and the "dog shift"