So there i was shopping, like you do...minding my own business, and like normal i was daydreaming. (I've seen my full backpiece drawn up and can't wait to get it on!) when along comes some prude, who's obviously clocked my tattoo's and feels she has the right to start lecturing me on how i'm mistreating my body? OK, so i figured she didn't agree that tattoo's make the body look better? All i got from her was
"You do realise they're permenant don''t you?" ...erm no shit lady, we wouldn't sit through hours of pain for something temporary now would we?
Another classic she came out with was "well what are you going to do when you're older?" and like i tell everyone who asks daft questions like that, i said i'll still love all my ink. I also pointed out that if things go to plan and i lie my life the way i intend to then i will be way to fucked by that age to even care or realise what's going on.
I don't like it when people feel they have a right to touchyou in the street or have a go because they see you have tattoo's, sure come and talk to me if you have them or like them, i'll behave
I think i speak for plenty when i say please don't stress at us for having tattoo's and piercings and then expect no reaction...we love them more than you could ever hate them!
"You do realise they're permenant don''t you?" ...erm no shit lady, we wouldn't sit through hours of pain for something temporary now would we?
Another classic she came out with was "well what are you going to do when you're older?" and like i tell everyone who asks daft questions like that, i said i'll still love all my ink. I also pointed out that if things go to plan and i lie my life the way i intend to then i will be way to fucked by that age to even care or realise what's going on.
I don't like it when people feel they have a right to touchyou in the street or have a go because they see you have tattoo's, sure come and talk to me if you have them or like them, i'll behave

I think i speak for plenty when i say please don't stress at us for having tattoo's and piercings and then expect no reaction...we love them more than you could ever hate them!
Thanks for the friend add and once again good luck with turning pink!
As soon as I get chance I'm gonna go and have another look through your set!