So, in life, I went to Night Market recently. That was interesting. I've never been before. Apparently Bay Area artists rent trucks & set up themed experiences inside them for a night.

I got to see a screening of Hitchcock at Skywalker Ranch. Unfortunately it was already getting dark by the time we got up there, so I didn't get to enjoy the full beauty of the property, but the theater was the most beautiful, best sounding theater I've ever been in. Hitchcock was brilliant, and the Q&A after with the director made me instantly like him a lot. He's funny and humble.

Saw Louis C.K. on Thursday and he was absolutely brilliant! My favorite comedian currently (and possibly all time). I enjoy how he infuses logical feminism into his bits. He was playing at the Symphony Hall, which I wasn't rude enough to snap a pic during the show, but the before I took a picture of the beautiful hall.

And I'm in Colorado for the holiday! The flight over was beautiful. The California coast is stunning, as always.

I'm chillin' on my parents' couch, waiting until I can walk up the street and get a hella cheap hour-long massage.

Excited to eat some pie and turkey on Thursday, meet up with my old friends on Friday night, and enjoy my week off!

I got to see a screening of Hitchcock at Skywalker Ranch. Unfortunately it was already getting dark by the time we got up there, so I didn't get to enjoy the full beauty of the property, but the theater was the most beautiful, best sounding theater I've ever been in. Hitchcock was brilliant, and the Q&A after with the director made me instantly like him a lot. He's funny and humble.

Saw Louis C.K. on Thursday and he was absolutely brilliant! My favorite comedian currently (and possibly all time). I enjoy how he infuses logical feminism into his bits. He was playing at the Symphony Hall, which I wasn't rude enough to snap a pic during the show, but the before I took a picture of the beautiful hall.

And I'm in Colorado for the holiday! The flight over was beautiful. The California coast is stunning, as always.

I'm chillin' on my parents' couch, waiting until I can walk up the street and get a hella cheap hour-long massage.

Excited to eat some pie and turkey on Thursday, meet up with my old friends on Friday night, and enjoy my week off!
The night market sounds awesome! Will have to keep it in mind; and that hall looks pretty cool too