I got hit by a car while riding my bike a couple days ago. I must admit, it is one of the scariest things I've ever been through. And I didn't even fall off my bike, or get injured. I can't imagine the fear one must have as they are hurtling through the air with worse crashes. Or the fear of being stunned, carried away, probably in pain, in an ambulance.
My heartbeat didn't go down for about 15 minutes.
But I'm fine. My bike is fine. No dents, damage, bends, bruises, scratches, or broken anything on either. Not even a little soreness.
Every day I almost get hit by some jackass who isn't paying attention. I've almost been side-swiped, turned into, hit head on, reversed into, and doored. But I never have, until two days ago. I'm generally a safe bicyclist. I try really hard to follow the rules, so that I don't die. I stop at lights and signs. I ride on the correct side of the road, in the bike lane if there is one. I watch for pedestrians. I signal, use my lights, and look before turning.
And two days ago, I waited my turn in a round-about, was already inside the circle, when some dude decides to leave his stop sign early and drive directly into me. If I hadn't seen him and swerved hard, I would have been up on his hood, and subsequently under his wheels, or out in the road. But it was at low speed, I had a good reaction time. I screamed, I dodged, and I was fine.
And I am very very very thankful that I am.
My heartbeat didn't go down for about 15 minutes.
But I'm fine. My bike is fine. No dents, damage, bends, bruises, scratches, or broken anything on either. Not even a little soreness.
Every day I almost get hit by some jackass who isn't paying attention. I've almost been side-swiped, turned into, hit head on, reversed into, and doored. But I never have, until two days ago. I'm generally a safe bicyclist. I try really hard to follow the rules, so that I don't die. I stop at lights and signs. I ride on the correct side of the road, in the bike lane if there is one. I watch for pedestrians. I signal, use my lights, and look before turning.
And two days ago, I waited my turn in a round-about, was already inside the circle, when some dude decides to leave his stop sign early and drive directly into me. If I hadn't seen him and swerved hard, I would have been up on his hood, and subsequently under his wheels, or out in the road. But it was at low speed, I had a good reaction time. I screamed, I dodged, and I was fine.
And I am very very very thankful that I am.
I'm glad you're okay, it's sad that some people can't respect that they're driving a big hunk of potentially killer hunk of metal and stuff.