"School is out for summer. School is out forever!"
I'm really happy to be done finally. And now I'm looking for jobs! Lets hope I can get one that uses all mys skills so I can build my portfolio more.
I've been enjoying playing Red Dead Redemption lately. As soon as I've finished the game I might move on to ODST. We'll see.
I've been making fancy things for my etsy.
I made 3 of these little shoulder urchins. 2 will be for sale as soon as I get more pictures of them.
I'm also working on some fun things involving zippers!
The weather has been amazing. Yesterday was so warm I could barely do anything but lounge around in my underwear in front of the fan when I got off of work. Today was way cooler and much more enjoyable. So I lounged around in my underwear more and ate delicious refrigerated fruit.
I'm itching to shoot another self shot set. I just need some cute underwear and some time. Both of which I may be able to get very soon!
I think that's about all that's new right now. Anybody else doing anything interesting lately?