Thank the Gods! That was terrible. But now it's over. Over and done with, and everything I did and didn't do will only have consequences later. But not right now. Which counts for something. It gives me a break.
Albeit a small one because on the agenda for this summer is:
1. Zombie Prom (and making a dress/makeup mess for it)
2. Overhauling Antiseptic Fashion to make it more businesslike and little more organized. I might even consider making a new website for it as well. Something easier to update but still nice.
3. Sewing all my clothes that need repair
4. Designing a new logo for myself, along with a new portfolio website
5. Possibly designing a website for Mother of London? We'll see. Just in initial emailing of what is wanted and all that right now.
6. Finding a bike
7. Catching up on all my neglected medical appointments
8. Painting my 3 large canvases I have for bedroom decor
9. Researching possible companies to brand for my senior portfolio class that I have to retake. (That terrible thing I did, was fail my class)
10. Work, a lot. I need to save up the $$$ because in the fall I'm stepping down from supervisor position. It's too much to do at the same time as difficult school classes.
11. Make a costume for Comic Con.
I think that's about all I can think of that needs accomplishing so far. I'm sure some more will pop up though.
In vanity news, I got a haircut!
No more pigtails
but at least now I can wear my hair in more than one way!
And in cute news, I get to babysit her:
Thank the Gods! That was terrible. But now it's over. Over and done with, and everything I did and didn't do will only have consequences later. But not right now. Which counts for something. It gives me a break.
Albeit a small one because on the agenda for this summer is:
1. Zombie Prom (and making a dress/makeup mess for it)
2. Overhauling Antiseptic Fashion to make it more businesslike and little more organized. I might even consider making a new website for it as well. Something easier to update but still nice.
3. Sewing all my clothes that need repair
4. Designing a new logo for myself, along with a new portfolio website
5. Possibly designing a website for Mother of London? We'll see. Just in initial emailing of what is wanted and all that right now.
6. Finding a bike
7. Catching up on all my neglected medical appointments
8. Painting my 3 large canvases I have for bedroom decor
9. Researching possible companies to brand for my senior portfolio class that I have to retake. (That terrible thing I did, was fail my class)
10. Work, a lot. I need to save up the $$$ because in the fall I'm stepping down from supervisor position. It's too much to do at the same time as difficult school classes.
11. Make a costume for Comic Con.
I think that's about all I can think of that needs accomplishing so far. I'm sure some more will pop up though.
In vanity news, I got a haircut!

No more pigtails

And in cute news, I get to babysit her:

Also, I haven't written about it for a while, so I though I would take an opportunity to note that Turn Me On is just 10 comments away from 450. I'm so happy that it keeps getting comments and that people are still looking at it. It was a really fun but frustrating set to make. Thanks for all the love!
thank you for the get well wishes
i'm feeling back to normal 

nice pixie cut babe, it suits ya perfectly.