I have internet again! Just need to set up the wireless router to be complete.
I turned in my petition to graduate. I killed myself to get it complete. And it's not even fully done. I just hope my director won't deny me. They can do that. They can say that I can't graduate. It's not a good feeling. Especially after I slept a maximum of 3 hours a night for an entire week and a half trying to get all my school work and my petition done.
I'm sure some of you know what the stress feels like. My jaw hurts and my shoulders are so tense that if you touch me they feel bruised. I have to take pills just to fall asleep now because my schedule is so messed up. Nothing like no sleep and all stress to make you burst out into tears for no reason while frantically trying burn cd's and cut out business cards to hand in . Thankfully my boyfriend and my friends have been so great lately. They've helped me out a lot.
In happier news I have my dreads back in. A full head this time, not just the mohawk. My hair is so big it's crazy!
I went out to Taye's Valentine party last night. I had fun dancing, though the club was super warm. I had to take off the cutest part of my outfit half way through. Hopefully some pictures will spring up soon.
I've been dieting and exercising more lately. And by dieting I just mean cutting down how much and increasing how often I eat. I walk 40 minutes at least 3 to 4 days a week. And now that the schools gym is open I can go run on the elliptical. It feels really nice to exercise. I forgot how relaxing it is in it's own way. And now that I live in Oakland my walk to BART takes me right along Lake Merritt, so it's a decent view. And a good way to chill out and not think about school. Getting in shape makes me feel better.
I turned in my petition to graduate. I killed myself to get it complete. And it's not even fully done. I just hope my director won't deny me. They can do that. They can say that I can't graduate. It's not a good feeling. Especially after I slept a maximum of 3 hours a night for an entire week and a half trying to get all my school work and my petition done.
I'm sure some of you know what the stress feels like. My jaw hurts and my shoulders are so tense that if you touch me they feel bruised. I have to take pills just to fall asleep now because my schedule is so messed up. Nothing like no sleep and all stress to make you burst out into tears for no reason while frantically trying burn cd's and cut out business cards to hand in . Thankfully my boyfriend and my friends have been so great lately. They've helped me out a lot.
In happier news I have my dreads back in. A full head this time, not just the mohawk. My hair is so big it's crazy!

I went out to Taye's Valentine party last night. I had fun dancing, though the club was super warm. I had to take off the cutest part of my outfit half way through. Hopefully some pictures will spring up soon.
I've been dieting and exercising more lately. And by dieting I just mean cutting down how much and increasing how often I eat. I walk 40 minutes at least 3 to 4 days a week. And now that the schools gym is open I can go run on the elliptical. It feels really nice to exercise. I forgot how relaxing it is in it's own way. And now that I live in Oakland my walk to BART takes me right along Lake Merritt, so it's a decent view. And a good way to chill out and not think about school. Getting in shape makes me feel better.
as much as i'm not really an active person, i agree with you! and its really good just to be focused on something. i am enjoying studying quite alot at the moment, learning and achieving something outside of my 9-5.. something for ME!
you're gorgeous