All I can say is OH MY GOD!!!
I haven't felt that much awe and amazement from a movie ever. I had this heavy feeling in my chest the entire time. The writing was brilliant! As was the acting. I'll talk about it more probably later when I won't be spoiling it for those who haven't seen it yet.
So last night was the last night for PopRoxx, the club I gogo at. I'm terribly sad. I hope that they bring in something new that I can dance and have fun at. I'm just going to miss getting dressed up ridiculously in all the colors.
But it was a fantastic night. Everyone was super trashed in honor of the night's given name DrunkRoxx. I danced my butt off.
In other news my new set will go into Member Review on the 21st. It's a self shot set, I was itching just to shoot anything. I'm not stupendously happy with it. I don't think I'll be happy with any of my photography until I get lights, and learn more. It's just still too lo-fi for me. I'm always my own worst critic.
Modeling wise I do like it though. I was so freaking sore the day after.
I'll give a tiny preview sometime before it goes up. I don't feel like giving everything so soon. It's better as a tease, without a really long wait. People get over eager to post their boobies on this site.