Shit. Well X-mas is coming up and I've worked a grand total of 0 days in the last two weeks. I wouldn't even be working this week if I wasn't going to cover a girl on Wed. (and I have to work at 8am to do that! I don't ever get up that early!) I took three of my regular working days off to go home for Thanksgiving and my boss doesn't schedule me at all for 3 weeks! And I don't think she's doing it to be vindictive either... I think she just forgot about me. That also means 3 weeks of no tips
Fuck Fuck Fuck. I'm going to be so poor.

Fuck Fuck Fuck. I'm going to be so poor.
no money for gifts this year and no tree......
last year i was so poor that i gave everyone sea monkeys.*
i'm not even kidding.
this year it might be origami boulders.
*and no, "sea monkeys" is not code for "crabs"