For all of you that request my friendship:
Please comment to me a couple times (and not just once). I only accept friends that:
a. Have extremely interesting journals that I like to read regularly. (If I don't know them)
b. Are my friends or people who I have met and like in real life.
c. Converse regularly in groups I am in and don't annoy the shit out of me.
d. Or are friends of friends, but still have interesting posts and don't annoy me.
If I have not accepted your friendship yet, it is because I am reading your journals to see if I would like you to always show up on My SG page, which is what I read the most.
If I have denied you, sorry, you can try again, but you'll have to be more interesting the next time around I guess
I'm not doing this to be mean, or rude, I just don't like having to sift though so many people, whom I don't know why I added them to my friends list, while trying to read the blogs of people whom I do enjoy.
Please comment to me a couple times (and not just once). I only accept friends that:
a. Have extremely interesting journals that I like to read regularly. (If I don't know them)
b. Are my friends or people who I have met and like in real life.
c. Converse regularly in groups I am in and don't annoy the shit out of me.
d. Or are friends of friends, but still have interesting posts and don't annoy me.
If I have not accepted your friendship yet, it is because I am reading your journals to see if I would like you to always show up on My SG page, which is what I read the most.
If I have denied you, sorry, you can try again, but you'll have to be more interesting the next time around I guess

I'm not doing this to be mean, or rude, I just don't like having to sift though so many people, whom I don't know why I added them to my friends list, while trying to read the blogs of people whom I do enjoy.