I want
To live with a camera attached to me at all times.
To have time to go to the beach when the sun comes out.
To run until I collapse
To write poetry again
To draw
To read everything I haven't read yet
To make my own clothes
To finally "move in" after six months
To learn three languages
To learn to cook
To hang artwork from my walls
To immerse myself into something completely new
To dye my hair
To color my nails
To drive into the sunset
To go hiking
To feel beautiful today
To live with a camera attached to me at all times.
To have time to go to the beach when the sun comes out.
To run until I collapse
To write poetry again
To draw
To read everything I haven't read yet
To make my own clothes
To finally "move in" after six months
To learn three languages
To learn to cook
To hang artwork from my walls
To immerse myself into something completely new
To dye my hair
To color my nails
To drive into the sunset
To go hiking
To feel beautiful today

Please come.
you bet.