I heard something recently that demanded my attention. I could care less that Disturbed is taking a break from making music (they're age has made their lyrics become too political in recent albums) but the lead singer said something that irked me. David Draimen claims that "rock and metal are in horrible shape and slowly dying."
I will agree that radio rock is in poor...
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I will agree that radio rock is in poor...
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No vents run to my bedroom, which means no air conditioning on the second floor.
I've taken to the basement. Soaking up the incandecents and watching Dr. Who on netflix. (for the record, Matt Smith has not replaced David Tenant for me and I dont see it happening) I started watching them in order but had to skip around to stay entertained.
I'd love to...
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I've taken to the basement. Soaking up the incandecents and watching Dr. Who on netflix. (for the record, Matt Smith has not replaced David Tenant for me and I dont see it happening) I started watching them in order but had to skip around to stay entertained.
I'd love to...
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I want to change my username but i don't know what to.
If anyone wants to give me a hand, here are some things to know about me
If anyone wants to give me a hand, here are some things to know about me
- My name is DYLAN
- I love metal. Not hard rock, not grunge, FUCKIN' METAL
- I live on the border of KS and MO, and if i hear one more Wizard of Oz joke, I'll throw 'bows....
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I got a BAD ASS new job.
I'm gettin' paid fat as hell to do it.
and to celebrate, I'm gonna go sex up my girlfriend
I'm gettin' paid fat as hell to do it.
and to celebrate, I'm gonna go sex up my girlfriend
awwwww!!!! yayyyyy!!! so glad to hear i could help you decide to stay!!! ^_^ that's AWESOME news!!!
lol thanks again Pthalo

i don't know if anyone else has noticed...
but the job market fuckin' sucks.

but the job market fuckin' sucks.

Yes agreed the job market does suck.
had an interview this morning, think it went well
and i'm chugging one of those disgusting detox things for the pee test later
and i'm chugging one of those disgusting detox things for the pee test later
What does one post on their blog when they have nothing to say?
My first assumption is nudes, but seeing as how I'm a guy, I really only have one body part of interest and i think there's already too many cocks on the internet when i'm just looking for vaginas.
Normally i'd just pick from the extensive list of things I hate and just...
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My first assumption is nudes, but seeing as how I'm a guy, I really only have one body part of interest and i think there's already too many cocks on the internet when i'm just looking for vaginas.
Normally i'd just pick from the extensive list of things I hate and just...
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I'm bad at regularly updating blogs. I haven't successfully kept a blog since 2004.
but ofcourse i'm constantly denied group membership based on the fact that i don't keep a blog here on SG.
I've been a member of SG on and off for about 2 years. My first subscription was a birthday gift from an ex-girlfriend, who knew how much i loved tattoed chicks......
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but ofcourse i'm constantly denied group membership based on the fact that i don't keep a blog here on SG.
I've been a member of SG on and off for about 2 years. My first subscription was a birthday gift from an ex-girlfriend, who knew how much i loved tattoed chicks......
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Hey I am a Pirate too!! Thanks for sharing!