well i wanted to go to the bar tonight but it looks like i'm stayin in, since my boyfriend showed up as i was about to leave... he's sick as a dog and annoying the shit out of me with his coughing and being passed out on my futon... i'm sleeping on the couch tonight because i'm so f*cking disgusted with him. i think he...
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Sorry to hear that your relationship sucks. Good luck on what you decide.
*yawns and stretches*
goooood morning... woke up at 9am this mornin to wake mah boy toby up, since his alarm clock is busted... what a sweet way to start the day... i'm in a great mood...
i'm gunna go to the gym and work out today for sure, ima try to make it a daily thing from now on, trying to get ready for spring...
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goooood morning... woke up at 9am this mornin to wake mah boy toby up, since his alarm clock is busted... what a sweet way to start the day... i'm in a great mood...

i'm gunna go to the gym and work out today for sure, ima try to make it a daily thing from now on, trying to get ready for spring...
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You made my day
what a great way to start the day off , work will be a breaze , thought maybe I was still dreamin this mornin
I'll be thinkin bout you all day , have fun with your work out and hope you have a great day

toby makes me feel so beautiful.

just got home from tower about 20 minutes ago... only talked to one plane, it was a twin engine Beech Kingair making a Visual Approach into the Beave... i got to call Pitt and tell them he was down once he landed, then he wanted to take off again, this time to Canada, so it was kinda cool. i...
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Helloo sweet thang . ATC sounds so fun , thats some big responsibility too , I ran all over the place today and I didnt even get everything don , Blah .I bet youll get that Job , you should be able to wear your nose ring , it doesnt make any difference in how you work, anywho I'm sure I sound incredibly dull
Talk to ya in a few

Talk to ya in a few

it's Friday, and i should be stoked, but Fridays are my long days... class 8-3pm, tower 5-7pm
thats a bummer...
i still gotta dry my hair and get dressed but i wanted to wish mah Toby a special good morning and hope work goes well.
i'll write more later, on a break or something.
til then... much love... mess

i still gotta dry my hair and get dressed but i wanted to wish mah Toby a special good morning and hope work goes well.

i'll write more later, on a break or something.
til then... much love... mess

Thnx mess
your too sweet to me , unfortunately I'm havin a real special one , lol
but these days always happen ad always get better , I'll talk to ya later on babe , hope ou have a great day , al my luvin

got a cute ass email today from this hella hot boy... made me feel beautiful.
i wore a lot of eye makeup and i had my hair in pig tails today...everyone was diggin em for some reason. i guess it was cute but i just did it to be weird since my hair is usually down or back in a 1/2 up ponytail... it's too...
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i wore a lot of eye makeup and i had my hair in pig tails today...everyone was diggin em for some reason. i guess it was cute but i just did it to be weird since my hair is usually down or back in a 1/2 up ponytail... it's too...
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i just made the best food ever... i think i need another nap.

back in the beave...
so my mama called me and made me cry tonight... i didn't get to say good bye to her, and that breaks my heart. i did it so it would be easier for the both of us, but it didn't help. i feel like i let her down. she cried on the phone, she kept saying she missed me in her...
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so my mama called me and made me cry tonight... i didn't get to say good bye to her, and that breaks my heart. i did it so it would be easier for the both of us, but it didn't help. i feel like i let her down. she cried on the phone, she kept saying she missed me in her...
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Gooood Mornin Georgious , hope you have a splendid day at school , best of luck on the paper , I'm going to be on time to work today! I'll catch up to you later today , I wouldnt rush anything with your situation , things always work their way out ya know
yers -Toby-
yers -Toby-

yeah leaving tomorrow morning...i'm sad but i really need to get back to school before i get too used to this time off shit. no hair color today but my mom gave me a lil trim, so i'm aiight.
6 hour drive back to the Beave tomorrow, with a lot on my mind.

more tomorrow xoxoxo
love mess
Heya mess , you foxy lil thang , hope you have a great drive back to the pitts , it'll give you time to think about everything on your mind and sort it out , always good to have that time
Much luvin , 'n' more -Toby-
Much luvin , 'n' more -Toby-
ahhh my last full day in philly.
today i think i'm going up to North so my friend Roz can do my hair... she's the one who cut and colored it like the picture in my profile, it's longer now and needs to be trimmed up and colored. this time we're gunna go nuts with more blonde and pink and black in the front... i'll...
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today i think i'm going up to North so my friend Roz can do my hair... she's the one who cut and colored it like the picture in my profile, it's longer now and needs to be trimmed up and colored. this time we're gunna go nuts with more blonde and pink and black in the front... i'll...
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soundz like your hair is gonna be crazy! thats hot , youll hafta send me a pic ( if you would be so kind
)I used to dye my hair , in my raging angst days , I'll see if I cant find some pics ,I had leopard print hair, I even had a mohawk at one point , now I might remember to brush it once or twice a month (not much of a pretty boy)anywho , I'll e-mail ya

so its monday, and i've been up since 730am... thats just too early for me these days. it was definitely cool spending time with my mom though, and then we came home and had lunch together. the kid who's staying with me (from pitt) is driving me f*cking crazy and i want to drive back to Beave just to drop his ass off...
it's frustrating...
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Moms are much more important than boys , that sux to invite someone to your home and have them impose on your time with your family
hope you enjoy the beach today , I could be at the beach with Ronald reagan and I wouldnt mind so long as I was at the beach.Whats up with all the cocaine falling from the sky here ?

hope you enjoy the beach today , I could be at the beach with Ronald reagan and I wouldnt mind so long as I was at the beach.Whats up with all the cocaine falling from the sky here ?

i would definitely not go to the beach with Ronald Reagan.
nah yes i would.
nah yes i would.

And baby, I'm aware of the high and the low, I'll be waiting for you in the middle, but I just lack control.
nothing going on tonight at all, gotta get up mad early and work with the moms tomorrow. $20/hour is too good to pass up though. quality time with my mama for 2 hours is gunna be nice too. i miss being home....
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nothing going on tonight at all, gotta get up mad early and work with the moms tomorrow. $20/hour is too good to pass up though. quality time with my mama for 2 hours is gunna be nice too. i miss being home....
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MMMMMMMM , Hawaii , I used to have a room-mate from Kawai , watched him see his first squirell , I think the only palm tree Ive ever seen was in the parkinglot of the gokart track in Binghamton across from the bigM , and they died in the snow.
your quite a dreamer , I'd love to join ya on that daydream
sweet dreams mess

your quite a dreamer , I'd love to join ya on that daydream
sweet dreams mess
shit... damn.... m*ther f*cker...
yeah well i definitely just had a long as journal entry and then it got deleted cause i accidently clicked on a link. doh.
well last night was sweet... took my brother's 300ZX down to the city and pimped the sh*t out of it. raced an integra and got mad props for being a girl... boys are suckers for girls with...
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yeah well i definitely just had a long as journal entry and then it got deleted cause i accidently clicked on a link. doh.
well last night was sweet... took my brother's 300ZX down to the city and pimped the sh*t out of it. raced an integra and got mad props for being a girl... boys are suckers for girls with...
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Sweet , I thought I was gonna see some drunk typing , then I could call you Mess instead of Tess . wouldnt that be fun , anywho , you should send me some pictures , girls racing is so very hot my imaginations gone wild , much luvin -Toby

home visiting the parents in Philly for a few days, wish i could write more, but i'll update later tonight... hopefully i'm drunk so it will be somewhat entertaining.