HAPPY MOTHERS DAY for all you mothers and soon to be mother.
My mind is blank
lately i dont thank
for what i have to me
can easily be taken by thee
one day i will awaken
and find others shakin
the evil within be released
as the world around will be ceased
an my enemies will be deceased
a much peaceful time is soon
for what powers me will balloon
i can see the light is near
so those against me just fear
those that are on my side
shall prospure what i divide
cause a good friend
is there till the end
a brother goes beyond
let the world be a peaceful place
for all human race
ok the inspiration is done
i let them think they have won
until i have my fun again
ok gotta get goin to do the helpful son thing for mom after all it is mothers day but just like any other day she is shown respect and helped where i can help and do what i can do for her so although it is mothers day every day is mothers day
thanks to mica enjoyed talkin with ya last night looking forward to more . still looking for a lady to go to with me to cajun fest next week will be good food and fun in the sun
so ladies dont be shy I dont mind you askin and if i dont know your out there and interested might just slip by
just seen the axe commercial maybe i need to try that
naw wont fall victim to societys ways just live it like i can and enjoy as i plan oh shit sound like another poem i better get out of here peace and the poetry i write is all of hand spur of moment inspiration just needs inspired for the good stuff
My mind is blank
lately i dont thank
for what i have to me
can easily be taken by thee
one day i will awaken
and find others shakin
the evil within be released
as the world around will be ceased
an my enemies will be deceased
a much peaceful time is soon
for what powers me will balloon
i can see the light is near
so those against me just fear
those that are on my side
shall prospure what i divide
cause a good friend
is there till the end
a brother goes beyond
let the world be a peaceful place
for all human race
ok the inspiration is done
i let them think they have won
until i have my fun again
ok gotta get goin to do the helpful son thing for mom after all it is mothers day but just like any other day she is shown respect and helped where i can help and do what i can do for her so although it is mothers day every day is mothers day
thanks to mica enjoyed talkin with ya last night looking forward to more . still looking for a lady to go to with me to cajun fest next week will be good food and fun in the sun
so ladies dont be shy I dont mind you askin and if i dont know your out there and interested might just slip by
just seen the axe commercial maybe i need to try that
naw wont fall victim to societys ways just live it like i can and enjoy as i plan oh shit sound like another poem i better get out of here peace and the poetry i write is all of hand spur of moment inspiration just needs inspired for the good stuff