lloks like thursday might be D day for hair unless i decide not to and she wont cut it again like she did last time. it's almost to the point of being to long or not long enough asnd the pic i have on here is 8 months agio when i started to let it grow out i need a new pic needs someone to take it for me. whoooo go a new motor for my 55 so looks like the truck will keep the bada$$ motor look out rice burners and jap crap big bad truck will be back soon
now just got to start makin serious peco's to supply it's habbit sundays show downtown hollywood wasnt so bad even though sea and air show went on less crowd but still was good day. got bikes name retro rat and will do a few mods to it this week for friday night to watch people drool on it then get pissed when they can't afford it and think it is too much just cause they can't understand quality work means money and time they can go look at a 50,00 car but fret at a 700 or more bike the price goes up the more done and if it dont sell i dont care it's a comfortable and unique cruiser hell the cotton picker is 3000 now so that bike is the rider now anyways let me know short hair or keep it long and strong now to go write a poem i promised a lady and send the new jokes out to get some money peace love and hapiness with all that jazz
