OK!! Last night(wednesday) Was the Peeping Tom concert at the Montreal Spectrum. I must say that It was CRAZY i think i can actualy say best show ive seen so far! And Mike patton isa fucking genious!
First part of the show was good to it was Pigeon John, realy good! its hip hopish with a big ass Groove!
35$ well spent id say!
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First part of the show was good to it was Pigeon John, realy good! its hip hopish with a big ass Groove!
35$ well spent id say!
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My car broke down, so im back with public transportation for a while. Altho, i do have alot more money these days! i wonder why.
Oh oh ! and i got my taxe refund! that is sweet!
And last friday(the 30th) i went at a metro party.. basicaly people gathered at the last wagon of the metro at 9o clock and partied across the whole...
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Oh oh ! and i got my taxe refund! that is sweet!
And last friday(the 30th) i went at a metro party.. basicaly people gathered at the last wagon of the metro at 9o clock and partied across the whole...
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The human body is dumb!
I got my lip pierced like 6 months ago, and every thing was going great!..
until for i dont know what reason, it got infected tuesday..at the time i thought its no big deal it will pass..
But Friday morning i wake up and my throat hurts(only on the right side) and i have fever(102.2)
I figure it cant be...
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I got my lip pierced like 6 months ago, and every thing was going great!..
until for i dont know what reason, it got infected tuesday..at the time i thought its no big deal it will pass..
But Friday morning i wake up and my throat hurts(only on the right side) and i have fever(102.2)
I figure it cant be...
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see both your doctor and your piercer! and NEVER take your piercing out before it's healed or else the infection will stay inside your system and won't heal.

Happy birthday dude

ok this appened to me a few weeks ago but i have to share!
I went to the Foufounes lectriques with some friends and we were having fun..
at one point in the night this drunk girl comes and talk to us about how she's all that, and shes the hottest girl in the place.. so we're like ya ok whatever go back to val...
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I went to the Foufounes lectriques with some friends and we were having fun..
at one point in the night this drunk girl comes and talk to us about how she's all that, and shes the hottest girl in the place.. so we're like ya ok whatever go back to val...
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Un supporter!!!!
PArles-tu franais ou tu parles juste anglais?

Un supporter!!!!
PArles-tu franais ou tu parles juste anglais?

Yay!! you posted a blog!!

How could they reject that?! eeek
this is why i need your help!! i really think it has a good chance, i just hope the staff decide to go through with this exercise.
WOW head aching! after party last night!
Well, most poetry these days is free verse, but this doesn't even qualify as that. She basically just breaks up the lines however she wants to and talks about vague emotions and thinks that makes it a poem. I hate people who think poetry has no rules. EVERYTHING has rules, even if you choose to break them.
Ah. Right.
The poem was written for an assignment in a poetry class I was taking.
The form (examples of forms include sonnets, villanelles, limericks, etc.) is Portuguese, and goes...
Take 4 lines from somebody else's poem, and use it as the 1st 4 lines of yours
Follow with 4 10-line stanzas, the 10th line of each being a line from your chosen 1st 4 lines in consecutive order... and lines 6, 9 and 10 of each stanza rhyme.
Free verse is great, but forms are infinitely more challenging to me. I treat them like crossword puzzles.
The poem was written for an assignment in a poetry class I was taking.
The form (examples of forms include sonnets, villanelles, limericks, etc.) is Portuguese, and goes...
Take 4 lines from somebody else's poem, and use it as the 1st 4 lines of yours
Follow with 4 10-line stanzas, the 10th line of each being a line from your chosen 1st 4 lines in consecutive order... and lines 6, 9 and 10 of each stanza rhyme.
Free verse is great, but forms are infinitely more challenging to me. I treat them like crossword puzzles.
I bought my ticket for Peeping Tom on april 11th at the spectrum !!!!! that show is simply gonna rock/groove all that is rockable/grooveable!!
cant wait!
cant wait!
Patton @ Spectrum? Damnnnn, how did I not know about this?!
daaaaamn that's the same night as the xiu xiu show! =P
On stage with diferent bands
pics of me