So, last night we celebrated Halloween at my bar. It was rad cause we werent that busy, and all the girls looked friggin hot. So we decided that since all of our customers were probably out at Halloween parties that we should party ourselves, so we talked the manager into letting us whoop it up a bit. I got a bunch of dark wine bottles and steamed the labels off and we were filling them up with beer from the taps all night and got shitty, it was so much fun. I htink at one point I was standing ontop of the bar break dancing or something, but tonight I am going with my friends to see ' dead man's party". They are this amazing Oingo Boingo tribute band, they sound just like Oingo Boingo. Hope all is well with everyone, be safe tonight, the girl you might make out with, could be a dude.
AURGH! call me, need to talk