I've been doing a Star Wars marathon everynight with my wife. She doesn't remember most of the movies and is now getting into them because of a dream she had. I'd tell you about it but it's X rated!
This was a picture I took back in September of Maximus my cat now. He was a kitten in this picture and he would let you do anything to him back then. He farts now when he doesn't want you to touch him.
I have had this obsession since I was maybe 6 or 7 years old.

This was a picture I took back in September of Maximus my cat now. He was a kitten in this picture and he would let you do anything to him back then. He farts now when he doesn't want you to touch him.
I have had this obsession since I was maybe 6 or 7 years old.
that kitty pic is fucking adorable...