Something new going on. I'm going back to the no partying person I was. Too much shit comes out of just havin' a good ol' time! It's been very stressful this past week / weekend and I just figure I know I can deal with it better with just being staight! I had a good time last night. I took the kids out and met up with some of their friends and just had fun! I've got some fucked up pics from last night that i'll put up eventually. Well one of the pics I will definately put up!
Oh yes, I was very nice and courteous and asked her how she was and what she was doing and how she liked her job etc. But not much more than that. I really really have a hard time being mean to takes a LOT to get me pissed off enough where I'll be rude directly to someone. I tend to curse under my breath and strike inanimate objects.
oh hell yeah - Sef did a big fucking mask on my right knee. I thought I was going to puke when he did the first line - of course he was using an 8 and he hangs his needles wayyy out compared to a lot of other people. I mean, the color is holding up really well considering a few scrapes and falls and a lot of knees on the heavy bag. It was swollen up to the size of a very large grapefruit for days - soooo painful.