Weekends and beer makes Rick happy! Rain and wet pavement makes Rick sad, which makes Rick drink more beer which in turn makes Rick happy and results in unintelligible statements and run-on sentences. Not to mention the loss of normal motor function and what I like to call idiot head.
Great day! My boss was given 60 days to find new employment and I am not that sad about his departure. This will also be the first weekend in some time now that I don't have to work!! There is also a person in my friends list so I no longer have to question my existence on this site, or atleast the updating of the...
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Soooooo tired! The weekend was non-existant. Now I have to be at work at 5 a.m. Great hours. I am now working from 5 to 5. Comments like "The robots don't build and wire themselves" doesn't help. I feel like a damn robot as it is. They ask and I say sure. I guess I just like to torture myself. How much does a one...
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I just made it through a sixty plus hour work week and I am about to do it all over again! That means I have so much time to do what I want to do. I love getting four hours of sleep every night. The weather blows ass anyway. Too cold, too snowy! I don't get mad, I get stabby! I also own a small...
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Where did you find the police car image you posted on the Funny Images Album?
Ya know. I cannot remember. It was a few days ago while surfin around and I thought it was funny.
Monday's suck ass! I wish it was the weekend all the time. My liver probably thinks otherwise. I have to talk to too many people at work so I cannot just jam out with my ipod. The day drags. I will be skateboarding soon though. That will make everything all good! I am not really this boring!
It's a nice day and it is agonizing. Want to skate! Instead I guess I can write down more shit in these little boxes we call our journal. I'm the only one who will read this anyway. I should probably write down daily reminders or, my grocery list. I lie. I do not actually write down what I want to get at the grocery. I...
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