(i) It's odd how the past two summers have been filled with intense physical labor that lasted precisely as long as I had time off. Now that the summer has come to an end, I am no longer needed to slave in the hot sun. Suspicious.
(ii) I remember after the '96 & '00 Olympics I kept hearing stories and reports about the carnal delights of the Olympic Village. The stories made a certain sense; most of the athletes are 14-25, in amazing physical shape, and under a lot of stress. It makes a certain sense that there'd be a good amount of sex there. Or perhaps I'm merely rationalizing what I'd do in their place.
(iii) Slightly related, I've had the biggest crush on Misty May ever since they started showing those commercials of her and her team mate, Kerri Walsh, playing volleyball on ice and snow (well worth a download if you've never seen it). What did it for me was the little smirk Misty gave towards the end of it; this odd twist of a smile that was strangely sexy. I hadn't realized how much sexier she was in actual competition with that tiny bikini riding up her incredibly nice ass (and Kerri playfully swatting that same lovely ass after points), how cute she is in interviews, and, yes, that same enchanting smirk when looking across at her opponents. I'm not sure how I should feel about jerking-off to beach volleyball. Hmm.
(iv) Suspect Zero finally got produced, and it looks like they did a good job with it. What's odd, though, is that I seem to remember reading a treatment of the script several years ago that had the killer be an alien or a demon or something. I can't help but wonder if I'm misremembering what I read as the way they have it now is much more interesting.
(ii) I remember after the '96 & '00 Olympics I kept hearing stories and reports about the carnal delights of the Olympic Village. The stories made a certain sense; most of the athletes are 14-25, in amazing physical shape, and under a lot of stress. It makes a certain sense that there'd be a good amount of sex there. Or perhaps I'm merely rationalizing what I'd do in their place.
(iii) Slightly related, I've had the biggest crush on Misty May ever since they started showing those commercials of her and her team mate, Kerri Walsh, playing volleyball on ice and snow (well worth a download if you've never seen it). What did it for me was the little smirk Misty gave towards the end of it; this odd twist of a smile that was strangely sexy. I hadn't realized how much sexier she was in actual competition with that tiny bikini riding up her incredibly nice ass (and Kerri playfully swatting that same lovely ass after points), how cute she is in interviews, and, yes, that same enchanting smirk when looking across at her opponents. I'm not sure how I should feel about jerking-off to beach volleyball. Hmm.
(iv) Suspect Zero finally got produced, and it looks like they did a good job with it. What's odd, though, is that I seem to remember reading a treatment of the script several years ago that had the killer be an alien or a demon or something. I can't help but wonder if I'm misremembering what I read as the way they have it now is much more interesting.
too bad i missed seeing any of the volleyball.
i didn't get to slave in the sun much at all this summer... strikes me as a bit of a pity, though it's easy to go overboard with it. hope you enjoy the reprieve.
Personally I avoided slaving away the summer by attending summer terms (but hey I am lazy like that
"Stick with me kid and you'll be wearing horse turds the size of diamonds"