Thanks for all the birthday wishes. They were very much appreciated. And the birthday went very well. Sadly, though, no birthday sex was had.
My absence was due to a combination of factors that I'll get into at another time.
Here are the answers, I'll repost each one in the journals of those who asked them.
the_cheat asked:
What are you studying?
Which reminds me that I have to get around to updating my profile sometime soon, as I graduated in May and am no longer, in the formal sense, a student. However, being that most of the useful things I've learned in my life have been learned outside of the classroom, it'd be fair to say that I'll remain a "student" for the rest of my life. I'm currently trying to learn to write in a screenplay format (I've had some success with plays, so I'm curious to see if screenplays are any more difficult) and male multiple orgasm. Any guesses as to which I'm more interested in?
Aikaterine asked:
Would you ever buy a Thneed?
For some odd reason, the good doctor's works were never a part of my childhood. So I had to look up what a Thneed is. I have no need for a Thneed.
creative_slacker asked:
If you were a doughnut, what flavor would you be and why?
This was a bit of a stumper because I really don't eat doughnuts aside from those plain ones with chocolate on top and the glazed ones. I don't think either really describe me. Hmm. Are there any doughnuts that contain aphrodisiacs?
What is that rash you keep itching?/b]
More an itch being scratched. Several times a day. Truly unfortunate.
Where are my keys?
I suspect that Green Eyes probably took them. Filched them while you were sleeping, dreaming of beautiful boys with nimble tongues and stiff cocks and painted nails. You might have to track the boy down, tie him up, and tease him until he tells you where he's hidden them. But then, he might enjoy that.
CFG asked:
How's it going?
Quite well. I'm still unemployed, but I don't really have much need for money at the moment. I'm still more unattached than I'd like to be, but I've been having some great ex-sex to compensate. I suppose things could be better -- life is currently comfortable instead of glorious -- but it'd be foolish to complain.
you like living in Jersey?
Very much so. Granted, there are a lot of negatives (high population density, very high insurance, 109 superfund sites, a road system that seems designed to confuse), but there are a lot of positives (comparatively low gas prices, very low unemployment, proximity to four major cities and the shore, no violent seasonal weather). Besides, it's what I'm used to.
Do you believe marriage is a business contract?
Legally it is. As my brother said to his fiancee recently, "Soon we'll be one economic unit," (he's an accountant and was joking). But I think marriage is an illogical, outdated concept. I know no happily married people; I know many happily unmarried couples.
What am I thinking, right now!!?
"Why can't this guy give shorter answers?"
Severus asked:
What's the most stupid thing you bought?
A water protection spray for my suede shoes. I was buying a pair of Merrell sneakers and the salesman talked me into buying it. It seemed like a good deal at the time, but it really was a foolish purchase. And I have one of those lightning globes that you can touch and the lightning inside follows your fingers (I don't think it's been out of my closet in a decade). I also have a metal detector which hasn't been in one piece for over a decade, a Wolverine #1 that hangs on my wall getting more faded every year, and countless video games, movies and cds that I regretting buying after playing them once.
nebel asked:
What do ants dream about?
Ants are machines and cannot dream. Robot ants, however, dream about electric picnics.
Agent_de_Surreal asked:
What's behind the gate?
Ah, my friend, behind the gate is a room that is never the same for any traveller. A woman from Hotlanta saw schoolgirls cavorting around in faux lollipop lesbian bliss, rubbing oil into each other's skin, kissing like snakes, all to a droning new wave soundtrack. A boy from Truth or Consequences saw shaved goatmen with tiaras dancing to the madcap tune of blind flutests for the enjoyment of Christopher Walken who sat their with the oddest little twist of a smile to his face. Me? I saw a beholder, but I rolled a natural twenty and lopped off seven of its eyes. Hmm.
Do you prefer reading or writing?
Dorothy Parker said, "I hate writing, but I love having written." I kinda agree with that. I don't really like the act of writing all that much (though I do miss it when I don't do it daily), but I love reading over the stuff I've written. So, I suppose I prefer reading to writing.
What band meant most to you ten years ago?
Meatloaf. I still very much love Meatloaf, but ten years ago I listened to him constantly. I have no idea why wagnerian rock opera spoke to a fourteen year old boy in Jersey, but it did. Oddly enough, my favorite album of his at the time was Midnight at the Lost and Found, which was one of his middle albums done without Jim Steinman.
scatmonkey asked:
With the advent and general acceptance of email as primary a form of correspondence, do you feel true letter writing is a "lost art"? Is it an "art" at all?
This might stem from the fact that I never got letters growing up, but I simply don't get the appeal of letters. People often talk about how they're more personal or more intimate or something, but I just don't see it.
What is "art?"
"Uh, like painting and stuff?" I love the State.
Art is largely indefinable. Certainly trying to define it is outside the scope of this Q&A.
Narcissus asked:
What is your major malfunction?
"Kick me in the jimmies!"
Coliwali asked:
What should I do instead of unpack?
Masturbate? Go play with your friends? Have some fun?
billybillybilly asked:
Where do babies come from?
I'd rather babies didn't exist, so I've kinda tried to ignore where they come from.
nerdboy2345 asked:
do you get told you are mature beyond your years because i just noticed you were younger than me (not by much) but you seem much older
That seems to have been one of the constants of my life; people have always thought I was older than I am, especially online. I remember being a freshman in college and having a group of juniors come up to me in my dorm, asking me if I'd go buy them some beer. Being that I had a single room, spoke well, and generally carried myself well, they assumed I was a senior.
Do you like kittens?
Yes, very much so. One of our cats had three kittens last year, and they are really quite amazing. It's a shame they couldn't stay little, but watching them grow is amusing.
Whats makes you happy when sadness overwhelms you?
Saddness never overwhelms me. I really no experience extremes of emotion in either direction; I never get very sad, nor do I ever feel elation. This lead one lover to comment that I was "emotionally dead." I couldn't say whether or not it's a bad thing as I've never felt anything else.
Still, writing always raises my mood. There's something very theraputic about putting my nebulous thoughts into words.
Whats your fav color?
Growing up, my mother tried very hard to make my favorite color blue (and my brother's favorite color green) as my eyes were blue and wearing blue shirts highlighted that (my brother had greenish eyes, so the same theory applied). While this had the effect of me being partial to blue, I really favor dark colors and earth tones.
if you could be anywhere for a day, where.....anyone...who?
No clue on either.
what makes you mad?
Currently the thing that angers me the most is when I see a lack of empathy. I hate it when I encounter people who sincerely believe that the way they experience the world is the way everyone else does; that if they don't find someone or something appealing then no one should.
Pet peeves?
I find slavish pandering to tradition irksome.
fav food?
Hamburgers cooked on a George Foreman grill, covered in onion and A1 steak sauce, washed down with a Cherry Coke. And stir-fried lobster in ginger sauce is pretty sweet, too. And let's not forget how tempting a salad with a good creamy italian salad dressing can be.
last time you cried?
Hmm. I can't recall specifically. Probably when the Violinist and I ended our relationship so that she could go to Chicago to study. I'm pretty sure we both cried then. So, maybe three years ago?
what attracts you to someone?
I wish I could say that there was something simple that attracts me but there isn't. The range of things that has attracted me to different people is immense. It's impossible to say in advance; I only know attraction when I see it. One annoyance is that I find talent and intelligence very attractive. It's annoying as those qualities often lead me to be attracted to people I really shouldn't be. And then there's the fact that I'm a thong fetishist and seeing someone in a thong makes me immediately and painfully attracted to them.
if i was a vampire and bit you on your succulent neck...what age would you want to live forever?
Nineteen. I was at my most flexible (I could suck my own dick), my hair was so long it was at the middle of my back, I was amazingly productive with my writing, and my stamina was at my peak.
what thoughts do you have running behind those beautiful eyes of yours right......................NOW!?
Very, very naughty thoughts that should only be shared through harsh whispers into an ear.
are you happy?
I'm fairly content, which isn't exactly happy. But I'm hardly unhappy.
would you say your a happy kinda guy?
You're really hung up on this happy issue. Yes, I'm a fairly happy guy, which is to say that I'm happy more than I'm not.
what is a common comment made to you, about you?
"I love your tongue," "You have great eyes," and "How old are you?" seem to top the list.
i'm lame arent i?
Nope. I rather like you.
Storm asked:
Are you happy?
Seems a popular question. Yes, I'm happy.
Vixxen asked:
Do you wish to save the world, or merely savour it?
Savour. I have no desire to save the world, as I don't think it needs saving, nor to have have much interest in most of the world. The pleasure of existence is what I'm after.
coughee asked:
what determines the wavelength of a graviton (in theory)? is it the distance between the attracting objects?
Since gravitons have never been discovered and only exist in theory, there are as many answers to your questions as there are theories. Though, if it did have a wavelength, a graviton would be a wavicle and then it's wavelength would be as much a mystery as the wavelength of photons.
Smuffy asked:
What kind of car do you drive?
1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited.
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
A house in the middle of the swamp. It's nice.
Do you watch porn?
Inded I do. I tend to prefer 70s and 80s porn over current porn, but there is some current stuff that tickles my fancy.
Do you look at dirty magazines?
I used to really enjoy the porn stories magazines, but now I can get those stories on the internet, so there's little point.
Do you like eating cereal?
Yep. I loves my Frosted Flakes.
EvanX asked:
Why is there air?
There's a geological reason, but I don't know it. And I lack the strength to come up with a witty answer. Sorry.
My absence was due to a combination of factors that I'll get into at another time.
Here are the answers, I'll repost each one in the journals of those who asked them.
the_cheat asked:
What are you studying?
Which reminds me that I have to get around to updating my profile sometime soon, as I graduated in May and am no longer, in the formal sense, a student. However, being that most of the useful things I've learned in my life have been learned outside of the classroom, it'd be fair to say that I'll remain a "student" for the rest of my life. I'm currently trying to learn to write in a screenplay format (I've had some success with plays, so I'm curious to see if screenplays are any more difficult) and male multiple orgasm. Any guesses as to which I'm more interested in?
Aikaterine asked:
Would you ever buy a Thneed?
For some odd reason, the good doctor's works were never a part of my childhood. So I had to look up what a Thneed is. I have no need for a Thneed.
creative_slacker asked:
If you were a doughnut, what flavor would you be and why?
This was a bit of a stumper because I really don't eat doughnuts aside from those plain ones with chocolate on top and the glazed ones. I don't think either really describe me. Hmm. Are there any doughnuts that contain aphrodisiacs?
What is that rash you keep itching?/b]
More an itch being scratched. Several times a day. Truly unfortunate.
Where are my keys?
I suspect that Green Eyes probably took them. Filched them while you were sleeping, dreaming of beautiful boys with nimble tongues and stiff cocks and painted nails. You might have to track the boy down, tie him up, and tease him until he tells you where he's hidden them. But then, he might enjoy that.
CFG asked:
How's it going?
Quite well. I'm still unemployed, but I don't really have much need for money at the moment. I'm still more unattached than I'd like to be, but I've been having some great ex-sex to compensate. I suppose things could be better -- life is currently comfortable instead of glorious -- but it'd be foolish to complain.
you like living in Jersey?
Very much so. Granted, there are a lot of negatives (high population density, very high insurance, 109 superfund sites, a road system that seems designed to confuse), but there are a lot of positives (comparatively low gas prices, very low unemployment, proximity to four major cities and the shore, no violent seasonal weather). Besides, it's what I'm used to.
Do you believe marriage is a business contract?
Legally it is. As my brother said to his fiancee recently, "Soon we'll be one economic unit," (he's an accountant and was joking). But I think marriage is an illogical, outdated concept. I know no happily married people; I know many happily unmarried couples.
What am I thinking, right now!!?
"Why can't this guy give shorter answers?"
Severus asked:
What's the most stupid thing you bought?
A water protection spray for my suede shoes. I was buying a pair of Merrell sneakers and the salesman talked me into buying it. It seemed like a good deal at the time, but it really was a foolish purchase. And I have one of those lightning globes that you can touch and the lightning inside follows your fingers (I don't think it's been out of my closet in a decade). I also have a metal detector which hasn't been in one piece for over a decade, a Wolverine #1 that hangs on my wall getting more faded every year, and countless video games, movies and cds that I regretting buying after playing them once.
nebel asked:
What do ants dream about?
Ants are machines and cannot dream. Robot ants, however, dream about electric picnics.
Agent_de_Surreal asked:
What's behind the gate?
Ah, my friend, behind the gate is a room that is never the same for any traveller. A woman from Hotlanta saw schoolgirls cavorting around in faux lollipop lesbian bliss, rubbing oil into each other's skin, kissing like snakes, all to a droning new wave soundtrack. A boy from Truth or Consequences saw shaved goatmen with tiaras dancing to the madcap tune of blind flutests for the enjoyment of Christopher Walken who sat their with the oddest little twist of a smile to his face. Me? I saw a beholder, but I rolled a natural twenty and lopped off seven of its eyes. Hmm.
Do you prefer reading or writing?
Dorothy Parker said, "I hate writing, but I love having written." I kinda agree with that. I don't really like the act of writing all that much (though I do miss it when I don't do it daily), but I love reading over the stuff I've written. So, I suppose I prefer reading to writing.
What band meant most to you ten years ago?
Meatloaf. I still very much love Meatloaf, but ten years ago I listened to him constantly. I have no idea why wagnerian rock opera spoke to a fourteen year old boy in Jersey, but it did. Oddly enough, my favorite album of his at the time was Midnight at the Lost and Found, which was one of his middle albums done without Jim Steinman.
scatmonkey asked:
With the advent and general acceptance of email as primary a form of correspondence, do you feel true letter writing is a "lost art"? Is it an "art" at all?
This might stem from the fact that I never got letters growing up, but I simply don't get the appeal of letters. People often talk about how they're more personal or more intimate or something, but I just don't see it.
What is "art?"
"Uh, like painting and stuff?" I love the State.
Art is largely indefinable. Certainly trying to define it is outside the scope of this Q&A.
Narcissus asked:
What is your major malfunction?
"Kick me in the jimmies!"
Coliwali asked:
What should I do instead of unpack?
Masturbate? Go play with your friends? Have some fun?
billybillybilly asked:
Where do babies come from?
I'd rather babies didn't exist, so I've kinda tried to ignore where they come from.
nerdboy2345 asked:
do you get told you are mature beyond your years because i just noticed you were younger than me (not by much) but you seem much older
That seems to have been one of the constants of my life; people have always thought I was older than I am, especially online. I remember being a freshman in college and having a group of juniors come up to me in my dorm, asking me if I'd go buy them some beer. Being that I had a single room, spoke well, and generally carried myself well, they assumed I was a senior.
Do you like kittens?
Yes, very much so. One of our cats had three kittens last year, and they are really quite amazing. It's a shame they couldn't stay little, but watching them grow is amusing.
Whats makes you happy when sadness overwhelms you?
Saddness never overwhelms me. I really no experience extremes of emotion in either direction; I never get very sad, nor do I ever feel elation. This lead one lover to comment that I was "emotionally dead." I couldn't say whether or not it's a bad thing as I've never felt anything else.
Still, writing always raises my mood. There's something very theraputic about putting my nebulous thoughts into words.
Whats your fav color?
Growing up, my mother tried very hard to make my favorite color blue (and my brother's favorite color green) as my eyes were blue and wearing blue shirts highlighted that (my brother had greenish eyes, so the same theory applied). While this had the effect of me being partial to blue, I really favor dark colors and earth tones.
if you could be anywhere for a day, where.....anyone...who?
No clue on either.
what makes you mad?
Currently the thing that angers me the most is when I see a lack of empathy. I hate it when I encounter people who sincerely believe that the way they experience the world is the way everyone else does; that if they don't find someone or something appealing then no one should.
Pet peeves?
I find slavish pandering to tradition irksome.
fav food?
Hamburgers cooked on a George Foreman grill, covered in onion and A1 steak sauce, washed down with a Cherry Coke. And stir-fried lobster in ginger sauce is pretty sweet, too. And let's not forget how tempting a salad with a good creamy italian salad dressing can be.
last time you cried?
Hmm. I can't recall specifically. Probably when the Violinist and I ended our relationship so that she could go to Chicago to study. I'm pretty sure we both cried then. So, maybe three years ago?
what attracts you to someone?
I wish I could say that there was something simple that attracts me but there isn't. The range of things that has attracted me to different people is immense. It's impossible to say in advance; I only know attraction when I see it. One annoyance is that I find talent and intelligence very attractive. It's annoying as those qualities often lead me to be attracted to people I really shouldn't be. And then there's the fact that I'm a thong fetishist and seeing someone in a thong makes me immediately and painfully attracted to them.
if i was a vampire and bit you on your succulent neck...what age would you want to live forever?
Nineteen. I was at my most flexible (I could suck my own dick), my hair was so long it was at the middle of my back, I was amazingly productive with my writing, and my stamina was at my peak.
what thoughts do you have running behind those beautiful eyes of yours right......................NOW!?
Very, very naughty thoughts that should only be shared through harsh whispers into an ear.
are you happy?
I'm fairly content, which isn't exactly happy. But I'm hardly unhappy.
would you say your a happy kinda guy?
You're really hung up on this happy issue. Yes, I'm a fairly happy guy, which is to say that I'm happy more than I'm not.
what is a common comment made to you, about you?
"I love your tongue," "You have great eyes," and "How old are you?" seem to top the list.
i'm lame arent i?
Nope. I rather like you.
Storm asked:
Are you happy?
Seems a popular question. Yes, I'm happy.
Vixxen asked:
Do you wish to save the world, or merely savour it?
Savour. I have no desire to save the world, as I don't think it needs saving, nor to have have much interest in most of the world. The pleasure of existence is what I'm after.
coughee asked:
what determines the wavelength of a graviton (in theory)? is it the distance between the attracting objects?
Since gravitons have never been discovered and only exist in theory, there are as many answers to your questions as there are theories. Though, if it did have a wavelength, a graviton would be a wavicle and then it's wavelength would be as much a mystery as the wavelength of photons.
Smuffy asked:
What kind of car do you drive?
1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited.
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
A house in the middle of the swamp. It's nice.
Do you watch porn?
Inded I do. I tend to prefer 70s and 80s porn over current porn, but there is some current stuff that tickles my fancy.
Do you look at dirty magazines?
I used to really enjoy the porn stories magazines, but now I can get those stories on the internet, so there's little point.
Do you like eating cereal?
Yep. I loves my Frosted Flakes.
EvanX asked:
Why is there air?
There's a geological reason, but I don't know it. And I lack the strength to come up with a witty answer. Sorry.
I'm a bastard...Happy LATE Day O' Birth!

When you say like, is it like that funny feeling you get climbing the rope in gym class?