- It seems I flip-flop on the 9 minute Piper/David fight scene every time I watch They Live. This time I was really digging the way it was laid out; the way it actually informed the plot and characters instead of usual action convention of stopping characterization and plot for an action sequence. And the fact that the fight ended with a gut-wrench suplex was pretty sweet, too. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that They Live was Carpenter's last gasp as a great director. Which is not to say that he hadn't had missteps before then (Starman, I'm looking in your general direction; and I've heard many a grumble about Prince of Darkness, though I thought it was okayish on the whole), only to say that he hasn't produced an entirely successful film since. And while They Live may not have been a great film, it was certainly a good film that had some interesting things to say.
- The current song I can't get out of my head in "Special Delivery" by MC Frontalot. Odd little "nerdcore" protest song that samples the Simpsons in the most delightful way. Frontalot's the type of act that I'd like to see more of, perfectly illustrating why I'll never have control of a hip-hop label.
- Before Kill Bill came out I read an article saying the Quentin had signed a book deal to novelize the film. At the time I thought it was a pretty cool idea and I was looking forward to it. Now that I've seen the film(s), I have to wonder how it could be reproduced in writing. I mean, a lot of the appeal of the film was the visual quoting of specific films and genre tropes. So, it's a book(s) I'm curious to read when it comes out.
- Lakers/Pistons. Talkabout having to decide between the lesser of two evils. At this point I can't imagine a team comprised of less likable players than the Lakers. No team in the league exemplifies the style of play I dislike more than the Pistons. I guess I'd have to root for the Pistons, as I want them to lose less.
- The other song stuck in my head is "Underdog Victorious" by Jill Sobule. After her '95 hit "I Kissed a Girl," I never really gave Jill a chance. The hit was okay, but I always assumed she was your typical one hit wonder and looking into her work further wouldn't be pretty (I learned my lesson with Garison Starr). But. Now she's got this song stuck in my head, and I'm thinking that maybe she kinda sounds a lot like what I always wished Mary Lou Lord sounded like, and I realize that I'm finally going to have to break down and give her a full fledged chance.
- The current song I can't get out of my head in "Special Delivery" by MC Frontalot. Odd little "nerdcore" protest song that samples the Simpsons in the most delightful way. Frontalot's the type of act that I'd like to see more of, perfectly illustrating why I'll never have control of a hip-hop label.
- Before Kill Bill came out I read an article saying the Quentin had signed a book deal to novelize the film. At the time I thought it was a pretty cool idea and I was looking forward to it. Now that I've seen the film(s), I have to wonder how it could be reproduced in writing. I mean, a lot of the appeal of the film was the visual quoting of specific films and genre tropes. So, it's a book(s) I'm curious to read when it comes out.
- Lakers/Pistons. Talkabout having to decide between the lesser of two evils. At this point I can't imagine a team comprised of less likable players than the Lakers. No team in the league exemplifies the style of play I dislike more than the Pistons. I guess I'd have to root for the Pistons, as I want them to lose less.
- The other song stuck in my head is "Underdog Victorious" by Jill Sobule. After her '95 hit "I Kissed a Girl," I never really gave Jill a chance. The hit was okay, but I always assumed she was your typical one hit wonder and looking into her work further wouldn't be pretty (I learned my lesson with Garison Starr). But. Now she's got this song stuck in my head, and I'm thinking that maybe she kinda sounds a lot like what I always wished Mary Lou Lord sounded like, and I realize that I'm finally going to have to break down and give her a full fledged chance.
I love that movie. Few people see the joy of a movie that, at it's core, is pure drivel and makes no apologies for it.
I still haven't seen Kill Bill. I keep meaning too, but after so man poor cinema experiences of late, I find my self disinclined to lay down my hard earned -- oh, all right -- slacker arsed earned cash on anymore films in the theatre. The sound system in my house is better than most theatres anyway.
I used to watch the Stanley cup finals until all Canadian teams were eliminated. Now that there is a Canadian team, and my hometown team to boot, in the finals, I still can't bring myself to get into it.
Mainly, I think it was the "fans" in town that soured the experience for me. Psychologically and sociologically it's fascinating. People who a few months ago wouldn't have gone to a Flames game if you bribed them to do it, draping themselves in the colours and standing up to be counted amongst the mob.
Regarding Employment: That's not a bad idea. Who knows. I might as well have my resume ignored for jobs I actually want over having it ignored for jobs I'm qualified for. At least then, if I get an interview, I might actually go.
Alfonso's take on Harry Potter left me a little disappointed.
I hope Nerdcore as a genre, never gets popular. Id just hate to see what little bit of cultural heritage my chosen clique has be sold on MTV.