- Spring break for this grad student looks to consist entirely of thesis writing and window installation. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere.
- At the moment, the song that is most putting a smile on my face is "If You Own the Washington Redskins You're a Cock" by Atom and His Package. I think any song that mentions a Jesus Christ mascot doll "dying to save the team" is worth a listen. A close second, for entirely different reasons, is "Upstairs Downstairs" by Robb Johnson (English folk is such a trip).
- The trailer for I, Robot is finally up, and it looks pretty much like what should've been expected: Men In Black with robots. What I wonder is: will anyone be able to evaluate the movie on its own merits? I mean, it obviously fails as an adaptation, right? So why bother evaluating it as such? Which is not to say that the film looks good (it doesn't), just to say that I think criticism is usually levied in the laziest possible way. Incidentally, I'd've liked to have been with Harlan Ellison when he saw the trailer for the first time.
- And it appears that both a new collection of short stories by David Foster Wallace and a reprint of The Broom of the System will come out in June. What you hear is a lit geek dancing like a fool in Jersey.
- At the moment, the song that is most putting a smile on my face is "If You Own the Washington Redskins You're a Cock" by Atom and His Package. I think any song that mentions a Jesus Christ mascot doll "dying to save the team" is worth a listen. A close second, for entirely different reasons, is "Upstairs Downstairs" by Robb Johnson (English folk is such a trip).
- The trailer for I, Robot is finally up, and it looks pretty much like what should've been expected: Men In Black with robots. What I wonder is: will anyone be able to evaluate the movie on its own merits? I mean, it obviously fails as an adaptation, right? So why bother evaluating it as such? Which is not to say that the film looks good (it doesn't), just to say that I think criticism is usually levied in the laziest possible way. Incidentally, I'd've liked to have been with Harlan Ellison when he saw the trailer for the first time.
- And it appears that both a new collection of short stories by David Foster Wallace and a reprint of The Broom of the System will come out in June. What you hear is a lit geek dancing like a fool in Jersey.
I can't remember whether I played it on the NES or the Genesis, but it was a lot of fun, I remember that much.
2) Will Smith does not.